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Everything posted by lankyri

  1. So the dark mornings and nights are closing in and well I need lights for my norco. The missis hates me riding in the dark with no lights ive got around 30- 50 quid to spend on front and rear started looking last night for some but to be honest aint got a scooby on what im looking at. Just some half decent that im gonna get seen and im able to see with as on the way home from work I ride through lil maze of alleys any advice would be great cheers
  2. Cheers for the links will have a look tomorrow when I get time as far as im aware there was only 10 frames made and people was put off but the tiny cs (365) but must admit mine road lovely again going back a while just hoping these bbs have long axles because you have to have a 128mm bb (fsa platinum dh) was part of the purchase with frame
  3. Brake mounts I think have been drilled out to 7mm but there not mashed or in bad shape with the bb thread is it something a boke shop can do or is it a engineering if so anyone in mind
  4. Morning all been out of the game a few years now but ive always kept my bt ninja (just love the frame and how rare it is) was thinking if I should get it fixed or if it could for that matter problems are: 1 3 out of the 4 brake mounts have been drilled out and steel inserts are wedged in worked just as good as original thread but the hot summer with a grind made the frame expand so every time I used the brake the inserts came out. Question is how easy would it be to make new mounts or take them completely off and weld on some vee mounts (I want rear vee) 2 I do believe that ive cross threaded the bb and its now stuck in there with rounded cups I no im a twat for that but I was young and didn't know what I was doing. Would it be easier to cut the whole bb out and re weld a new tube in or if I did manage to get the bb out can I re thread it 3 bottom headset cup is still in the frame spent god knows how long trying to get it out but its in there can you even buy fsa pig headsets Thats basically it or do I just keep it on a shelf in the living room collecting dust
  5. cheers for all the replies boys to be honest all this drilling out axles and or making axles seems well too much hassle when Nwood got the right idea, i have not got beef with QR its just i work with chavs at work and well i dont want them taking my front wheel and hiding it so really want a bolt.
  6. evening all just a quick question really, im going america in couple months and well im thinking about getting a king front to match my rear, question is can you get a bolt on version or are the front only for quick release because ive never seen bolt version before
  7. lankyri


    leesons tensioner and got it like that as it looks smarter but chain aint tensioned enough but links 2mm to short for perfect tension
  8. lankyri


    got bored of the grey and marble effect paint so went for matt black and rushed it so decided to scrap that and make a half decent effort with this
  9. im using a shimano (sp) carbon booster with heatsink snowy pads in cnc backing on a smooth rim, very nice without tar (it holds but less bite so u can use the brake whislt manueling) or a dap of tar and it holds just like a maggy would with a grind, another good thing is that your brakes wont freeze if you have a maggy and water bleed
  10. i used to run maggy on the rear for ages then bought my leeson and it came with a rear vee and ill be honest there just as good and im some areas there even better, my advice to you if you do go rear vee try and get a decent booster as you may find that you could easily clip the caliper with your shoe and possible braking the vee, also id get a decent cable im running a goodridge inner and outer cable and had any problems since ive had the bike 2years now also i used to run a sd7 on the rear but it exploaded and now im running a sd5 and it works just as good with the same pads and booster hope this helps
  11. evening all any knowledge on these, ive never seen them or how they actually work so any info on price and where i could buy one, it would be for my bt ninja 365 (yeah thats right with the stupid chainstay length) its been hanging on my wall for years and been tempted to build it back up for a project
  12. this is the 2nd vid ive watched today the first being neil t, and honestly i prefered this, its all well and good gapping 11ft or dropping 20ft (or something stupid) and pushing yourself but this vid just makes me wanna ring up my mates and go for a ride you lot just having fun on your bikes is what its all about and having a laugh instead of being in competition with each other or trying to impress other riders. keep it up lads
  13. yea i was very lucky to have my face considering that statue on the other side didnt look very nice haha, was also very lucky to meet a rider in evans called oillie who sorted me out with a map a proper chain and tool and let me fix my bike outside evans and lucky rob was out to show us the spots was a good days ride
  14. got back last night spent the morning uploading and a quick edit of our first stop reading start editing bristol prob tonight hopefully you enjoy bad and good comments all welcome
  15. is it cos shes a n@%$~# cheers bud, im just converting all my footage just over 4gb haha and thats no footage from christchurch or pompey (no motivation)
  16. good lad only lives around the corner from me if i see him il tell him to get in touch and as simp says hes a bit of a down
  17. we will be down soon bud any chance to see those pics and vids?
  18. got back last night around 11 so tired just wanna say thanks to these people: ollie from evans (sorting us out with places to go and lending me a chain tool) rob cheers for sorting us out for reading and getting a few more riders ben rowlands for sorting us out with drew great lad, hope your ankle heals soon bud drew watching you ride man was just insane that gap drop was sketchy and but you dialed it stuie your a top lad great laugh cheers for helping us film and photo dave same again cheers for coming out with your cam marc another top lad cheers for coming out for the ride get you self up to barrow soon bud mark w cheers for the advice on the pro2 luckily we got it sorted mud dock what a bike shop to have a spair driveside bearing and sorting john out just wanna say cheers for all your help its been awesome now to start editing
  19. there are colchester guys around cant really tell you who there are though (my bad) but you got a few of us down the road from you (basildon southend way)
  20. evening all hope all is well, im counting down the days till sat really cant wait for this can anyone give us a heads up for parking (free) and spots in the areas we are going to the more specific would be much appreciated my mob number 07939206858 my facebook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?cropsuccess&id=505565571 feel free to add me as i can post stuff on there with my phone (i cant on the forum)
  21. so tidy skoze rides very nice but i hate your brakes haha ride soon my fellow leeson bro
  22. maybe next year we will come up north, or maybe u should roadtrip down south
  23. lankyri


    sick vid guys some nice lines and riding goin on there cant wait till i hit these spots
  24. cheers guys, prob wont have access to here once we leave but will put my mob number on here so i can text/ ring you lot where we are stuie your a ledge, gonna be filming f loads and taking god knows how many photos haha dave nice one on letting me know whats around the area bret ive never been reading before so dont know where we will start or finish, hopefully i can get jack meek out or talk to him about places to start and safe/free parking
  25. cheers man will be leaving essex around 5am to get to reading around 7 ish and will be riding till around half 4 5 ish so we can get to bristol stuie cheers for the heads up on christchurch we are only stayin there because its a cheaper hotel then the surrounding areas i think we are hitting up bournemouth so hopefully you can join us
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