4 of us from kendal are heading up to morcabe on sunday tommorow if any body wants to ge we will be meeting @ the burger king car park @ about 11-12ish dont no yet see whats best for everybody post back cheers danny
anyone riding this weekend around cumbria includes kendal morecabe anywere like that post back if u r around and we will sort a ride out and all the info on the ride cheers danny
might do mate ill see what tom rigg and people say,we will proberly come if its not busy ,not saying we r deffently coming though ill post back the news when we have found out cheers danny
its a very good nice new venue witch most people liked but it was boggy witch was good and bad but it was fun!!! cheers 4every1 who set up the trial and had the time to do it and thanks for the results thanks 4 a good trial cheers danny!