Over the last 3 months or so ive heard people on about the zonas,and if there a good buy an all well this is my own review on them.I have owned my zona now for about 7 months now and im still loving it! when i first thought about getting the zona first i was left with many chocies like the gu anoth monty zoos etc but after that i decided on getting on the zona because it looked like the zoo and it look well made and it was cheap Good points: when i first looked at the zona i thought wow a new frame to test at that time i was on my old sweaty monty at the time and when the first day i got my zona i could easyly just do get gaps and my sidehops just improved in an instance witch was brill. The other thing was when i got my zona was that i found out that i got better at natty and street and i found doing bunny hops and back wheels high, so that whatever you ride zonas are good at all terain Also when i disscoverd i was getting better at riding my tecqniuces were getting better i instancly could do me sidehops to two wheels.Also the other great thing is that it looks good like some of the cnc bits and the length loooks mint the paint job looks good it finishes the bike of nicely, the brake sound and performance also boosted up and the sound is amazing also all the frame geo is all simple so you can fit most bbs and most headsets in etc. bad points: When i got me zona and i had riden it for a few months there was no problems at all and i have very little to say about it beeing bad.The only really bad points are that the laqure on the frame comes of very easy and chip if you just nock it (N)The other thing was that the back brake some times flex`s, so some people choose to get a booster.And the last bad point is that the stickers under the lagure you couldent get off witch was a pain so you couldent change it if you dident want to make your own stickers, the only way was sanding of the laqure of the frame and taking it off that way.Well thats about it for the bad points. As you see of my reveiw the zonas a good cheap buy and its a good frame for tall starters that want to ride mods but its also good for others,you can now buy the full build of supercycles for a very cheap amount.That should answer most questions on the zona and i hoped you enjoyed reading my review on my zona and you can now see it is a very good frame witch is cheap and there is little problems or issues cheers danny