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Danny Swindlehurst

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Everything posted by Danny Swindlehurst

  1. ye mate thats pretty tip top eh!nice style to the site un like some other sites.. any way goo job mate i hope it helps you promote newcastle trials riders!but i still think the site could have a little more depth into it, and whats the crack with the thing at the start of the site? lol any way 9/10 from me danny
  2. lol hell ye,erm....does anyone no if am to late to sign up or can you sign up on the day? danny
  3. good on you mate it makes it look more trials like now!looks better than it did before buy a long way!
  4. Nice design!Thats the frame design i did for you ain't it?And hurry up with that game am dieing to try it! plus how can i get hold of that trials futer.net if thats what its called?And! the pallets looks abit to big on that picture it makes the bike look really small!just thought i would say. danny....
  5. im going to test out the zoo and the coust pads i think and ive got a booster so ill give that a go as well!
  6. i live in the north west in kendal,and by the way its the hope kit mot the magura stuff, i use an onza hog rim and a cutting or griding disc
  7. i've tryed all of them! nothing wrong with the brake it self i don't no why is crap?my zona back brake was bloody awsome and i wanted my gu to be like that as well! i had a medium grind on plaz it was a sexy beast of a brake B)its more of the slipping whats happening and its a bit spongey but i dont no if thats from the stain less magura hoses i have! or somthing else
  8. you only need a booster if the frame flexes!
  9. for all you mod gu riders out there and people who have had gus or no what pads are good help me please.hi people i'm having problems with my gu back brake.I've tryed different pads and different grinds but no of them work to well so... i wanted you guys to help me find some decent pads which will work in a 20" gu and what grind to run them on.At the moment I've got koxx greens on a light grind but i want some thing better cause its not the best of brakes,I've try diffent pads such as :plaz.koxx greens,magic pads,koxx blues.i'm wanting to try the zoos and the short cousts,I've got a brand new onza hog rim sitting in my room gathering dust and i'm waiting till i get some decent pads what work and then ill put it on so i can start from fresh!So please can you help or give me some advice to what pads to get on what grind and if so what grinding tecnique could use witch would make it better, i most appreciate the help given. cheers danny
  10. This might sound a bit stupid but mine have lasted for 1 yearr and 1 month and they can go on for longer so am glad mine are goin down cause i did abit of modifing to my toe danny...
  11. ha ha ha i am glad to find out am not the only one,don't worry mate i've got two both in me big toes and they were both infected i just went to the doctors and they gave me some really dogie looking capsules lol,ma feet are not the nicest thing to look at but i hope the little ***** will go away sooner or later, how long you had yours for mate? danny...
  12. hi people i need help! were can i sign up for nass and what is the entry fee on the comp because i think last year was free,but i've looked on the site and i cant find out how much it is can some one please help me out here i really want to do it! danny i appreciate the help
  13. my sidehops are getting big now ,i think its me new gu frame changing me technique danny
  14. i can now do 47" maybe a bit bigger if i was on a hyper day lol but thats my biggest and its to two wheels and i'm 14 by the way danny
  15. cheers mate and the everyone else cheers for the beast comments danny...
  16. ye phil try to get up to kendal one night like thursday would be beast or even today (wensday) should be good regards danny p.s cheers for the comments so far keep em coming
  17. cheers i couldn't find much else to film lol but i'm only just getting use to the frame so no big stuff at the moment danny....
  18. hey people i have just made a short vid of me riding on me new gu frame its only like me 3rd time on it so ill think ill inprove more once i get use to the dam thing, but i'm sure getting better though longer video 2 on its way.......... the videos nowt good or special its just a small teaser sorta thingy danny vid! see what you think,and give comments how i can inprove on my video editing even no its not the best of editing but any way have a look.... danny
  19. only 2 thats not bad if you take into account how many people have them and how long have been out for danny
  20. just out of interest how many people have snapped zonas? danny...
  21. cheers for the comments it was just a question i was tying to find out the answer for danny...
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