for all you mod gu riders out there and people who have had gus or no what pads are good help me please.hi people i'm having problems with my gu back brake.I've tryed different pads and different grinds but no of them work to well so... i wanted you guys to help me find some decent pads which will work in a 20" gu and what grind to run them on.At the moment I've got koxx greens on a light grind but i want some thing better cause its not the best of brakes,I've try diffent pads such as :plaz.koxx greens,magic pads,koxx blues.i'm wanting to try the zoos and the short cousts,I've got a brand new onza hog rim sitting in my room gathering dust and i'm waiting till i get some decent pads what work and then ill put it on so i can start from fresh!So please can you help or give me some advice to what pads to get on what grind and if so what grinding tecnique could use witch would make it better, i most appreciate the help given. cheers danny