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Danny Swindlehurst

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Everything posted by Danny Swindlehurst

  1. 36 ! and your married and still riding ! ! good man ! danny
  2. fooooooooook me i never saw that coming, there are so many unkown beast riders ! i thought that was amazing ! ! danny
  3. Thats what mine does rob! i click save as button when im accepting it instead of clicking the button that says accept and then once the file has been sent, do not open it on msn find were the file has been saved on your pc then open it off there! try that ! if it makes any sence danny
  4. bill your bikes a slut ! looks like them chain stays have been ridden a few times love you billxxx
  5. kool clips lots ov control on them rails ! ! danny
  6. I am deffo geting a mod verison ! ! ! when they come out ! danny
  7. i no i agree ! it looks no were as good as the one cls designed
  8. nice pics guys shame you couldent of got more danny
  9. i will be coming ! ! ! if my dad will bring me ! danny..
  10. hummmmmmm 2 mounths i might actually wait to get some decent ones ! ! danny...
  11. ooooo they sound good what do they look like ? any pics or out or has anyone got any dates they will be out ? danny
  12. i have a pair they feel to thin for me danny
  13. ive always thought bretts been a beast! he reminds me of tra because of his powerfil riding style and he has so much more to give! for the editing it was oreet but the song didnt go with the riding ! it could of do with a faster song cant wait for next video there always good danny
  14. 1st pair lasted like 3 months 2nd pair lasted like 5 months i ride qwite alot and qwite hard ! and the sides just fall apart ! i love riding in them i agree but they need to last longer really cheers danny
  15. hey people ive just distroyed my second pair of ribos and i dont no what else to get ! i no this is abit of a lazy topic, but wat other trials shoes would you recomend ? apart from monty,ribo,viz,try-all skate shoes etc what shoes to you use ?any percific type ? or what ? i just some decent shoes to ride in... thanks for your time....dannyx
  16. haha craig you legend ! what a beast ! cant wait for the next one ! make sure you get some street in danny
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