F**K MEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!! Damon ! i think its time you stopped playing silly buggers and get your head into gear you mental bast*rd THAT WAS STUPID :S :S i dont understand how you can sidehop that high danny....stupid havin night mares tonight like ... X
im ordering it on monday should be here on tuesday go a full bike apart from.. front wheel,front brake,and 4-bolt mounts sold zhi for £760 o i got £800 to spend dannyxxx shall see u lot there with ma bro
might not go ...theres gonna be to many people and i cba getting moved on all the time and that will be a waste of money for us lot cause its such a long way to come ! danny...
lmao it did the same to me dave but i did it a few times so i didnt hurt after abit matt didnt make it silly billy you did it once dave you looked like your arms yanked out of your sockets danny....