Hey guys ,sorry to post a pointless topic and i was to lazy to look for another simular topic soooo.... i pulled or strained one of my muscles on one side of my back last wensday and i waited till today (monday) till it was ok...and it felt ok... till i went out on my bike for 5 mins and i fuked it agen... so im not a happy bunny... sooo i was woundering if any of you guys have experienced this before (witch you most likley have ) and could help me whats the best way to... Treat It ? How Long will it Take to heel (roughly) ? And wat madicine , pills would help it ? And would going to the phisiotheropist help? This would really help me guys, cause i aint been biking for about... 1 week =[ .cause my backs in spazzum lol and all the muscles are all tenece How can i unlock them ?? danny x