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Danny Swindlehurst

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Everything posted by Danny Swindlehurst

  1. WTF !! What Videos! THEY EVEN HAVE KENDAL IN THEM sh*t hot.. loveed them all! danny x p.s is that phil king i spot on the orange in the second video ?
  2. HA! im downloading it..goin to take a while though..ffs if you get onto his tv.isg site and u click the little arrown next to the vids it will go up and it will be there... EDIT:- WTF WEAPON were pissing ma sell at the police bit and the twating the rim bit... but the riding = makes me want to ride trials agen !! Danny x
  3. Ben you have had them like 2 days wtf you get fat basher lol danny
  4. was VERY impressed with that phil ! does any one no the exact geo of them old zoo frame ? danny x
  5. i'd shag that slag of an ozony looks sexy liking the old school norco anol danny x
  6. oright just edited some old footage from like the start of 2006-till now ish of my mate steve, he ride's about 5000000000000 bike's in it are well i thougth it was quite kool...just wanted to share it with you guys and gals...just a mess about vid..nowt serious lol... comments would be nice http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=RnaQxSlEFIE danny... safe ladsx ignore me battering ma zoo at 1.27 in the back ground danny x
  7. if i cant make the other one this looks the better opition... danny x
  8. might make an apperence if theres a few people garn... emm i just need to find a traveling partnerand money... its 4 hour jorney on the train for me lol might see you all there danny safe lads x
  9. anyone up for riding morecambe sat ? us lot are off for a crack about cause am picking up ma bmsex like join us will be fun so far: me (danny swindlehurst) ben lazenby tom swindlehurst steve winder...i think cheers loves danny x
  10. wat a beast ride im goin to atend the next un if someone tell me !!! danny godd pics buy the way
  11. that looks abit lush son bledy hell i like the white anol looks mint danny x
  12. thats bloody phit..doesnt the white get abit tacky after abit though ? danny
  13. if you lot ride there at weekends text me a day before or sommet.. will be good to catch up with you lot danny x
  14. Hey most people on here have bebo and i would like to add most off you and im sure other people would anol so post your bebbo URL's here... dannyx
  15. LMFAO that made me laff... i can imagine the tone of vocie ye..soo a whole..alot of pimping bled...
  16. gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap .....zzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!! well i have to say there big gaps though well done son more verieity next time but for the editing then riding keep it up your a beast! danny x
  17. Hey guys i might be moving frames to czar for 2008 this question is pointed at people who have had/road a Czar AND a Gu 07 because i cant ride atm AGAIN because of back problems im gonna try a new frame such as the czar! any pointers would be helpful seen as i might not be riding for several weeks ! cheers danny..x
  18. NICE moves wheel do you prefure the czar to the adamant ? beast video..longer next time d a n n y x
  19. might join yuzz if i can get a few people to come up seen as i am a good kendalian danny xx
  20. off weapon , ive just started trials agem lads danny xx
  21. if you got rid off all the tryall wank it would look 10 time better ! danny
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