Oreet biffy lad , Ermmm aye dont no alot about the marines or out...is it somemt to do with water buy any chance?... anyway...ignore me...I just found out before that you got into it i was pritty chuffed for you to be honest...cause i remeber when you use to be "big" biff and look at you now my fu*kin muscle... have met you and road with you a few times very nice lad indeed and has helped me alot over my riding years so far... lol i still remeber that leeds ride were you were lookin to buy that muscle milkshake stuf whatever the fu*k it was out off that leaflet that made me laff...and wear supposidly did my hair just for you "you said" ...you must be fit and shi* to get into the marines and you have worked propper hard over the last year or so with gym tranning and its finally payed off...am glad for you youve achived lots more than anyone on this forum i can tell thee that... ye so very good look with the marinies and i hope to meet up with you again and talk to you would be great peace Danny Swindle xxmwa