lol. it might aswell be... seen as bens been a fag and putting this up just to piss people off. And to be honest not to be funny and im sure alot of people will agree with me on this, It just seems like this forum is made for people to argue on. You cant put anything up nower days without people been goons. Half the people on this forum are just arguementative freaks... just give it a rest please!
... And no1 cares what you think either , stop arguing about pointless crap. I thought older people are suppose to be more mature ?:/ Guessed not. If you gonna start a argument on a topic or wright summet pointless and nasty why bother? some people might like me as rider and might like my videos and might of missed them. you ever of thought of that.
fukin lol. this forum is full of wankers haha! i can ride how i want thanks. my riding dosent just consist of tgs and u wud no that if u have road with me.
Oright people IMMM BACCCKKK. just let you no i quit for quite a while because of injuries and bike problems etc etc etc. but now am back and riding better than ever! im gonna try get video out asap!
Hopefully see you on rides etc
Danny swindle xx
Oright guys theres loads of people cuming to this already!, just thought i'd post it up here to see if anyone else wud want to join!. Ive recently got back into riding and im riding as good as ever agen! and its my birthday on the 16th so were going to have a big kendal ride on the sunday (the 20th!!!) get yourself here!! meet at mine at 10am ill give you directions if needed! thanks ! Danny swindlehurst