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Danny Swindlehurst

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Everything posted by Danny Swindlehurst

  1. Danny Swindlehurst


    fukin mint ! wats tune ?
  2. cheers tom, you need to get out on you bike agen with us lot its a good crack
  3. i have to admit ben looks good... BUT RIDES WANK !!! SORT IT OUT danny
  4. well your sayin im abnormal when ur 15 and ur 6 ft 8 or somemt lol anyway back tut vid !
  5. true me and my bro arnt the tallest of people lol eh ben lol
  6. yup hes my bro though so were sound
  7. Hey guys, his first really video for tartybikes... mixture off really old footage and new footage ! made an oreet video considering hes on 11 goin on 12 :| got a camera agen so we will start makin hes newwer vid with all new footage! check the video out and see what you think! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Ynn0xW4ICRg Cheers danny xxx
  8. if weathers shite im not gonan go... if its oret ill go danny
  9. what mini is it ? other wise just fook it and meck you own mounts lol
  10. hellish vid mate , im going back to sheff,leeds and hull for the first time soon get loads off footage ! cracking vid as i say...you have somehow got alot better, i ride like onceevery mounth now =[ bit wank good look for new sponsor t*-uk danny
  11. nice video adam ! looks like ur riding that dob nicely i might have to have a treck down to there and have a ride with you guys sometime ? danny x
  12. if hes 16 hes not very good. ive just turned 16 like a mounth ago and id whip his larl bum
  13. that my old frame lol? she still alive ? danny
  14. edited,wank cause its movie makers riding was good didint like the title at the start took like 1 hour to get into it ! danny
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