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Danny Swindlehurst

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Everything posted by Danny Swindlehurst

  1. any pad can fit in the backings, plus super glue is u best option
  2. shite mate, i feel for you nie bikes as well ill look on ebay etc for you and also have eyes peeled! danny
  3. phiiitt ! drilling looks good bit over the top though
  4. nice vid mike ! big moves looks like you struggle to make stuff though ?? maybe its just ur riding style ? danny
  5. im getting some protos witch hopefully will be here in the next few weeks !! danny
  6. what. ? i thought it was a funny video so i would off liked to show it to other people for a laff! why do i need to be mature for that lol danny
  7. there ACE pics ads liked looking at them ! vinc is a beast wish i came to the blackburn and liverpool ride though also.. lol at the pic of my bro and stan
  8. if your not a boring grannie... YES
  9. lmao ! might be a repost ? danny http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=OYfhR5Oay3o&...feature=related
  10. Beast! Me,my bro tom rigg will be there ! were riding the docks ? danny
  11. see you all there me my bro and mates are going !!! danny ill deffo go to street one anol !! were u thinking of going ? morecambe or somewere !? danny
  12. fancy a group ride on monday or sommet, anyone have any were to go ideas ? leeds sheff area ? danny
  13. Best feedback ! thanks mate diffrent peopel prefure diffrent things
  14. only cause daves going im there leedddzzz
  15. cheers for the comments ! thansk for everyone who helpped film ! danny
  16. lool ye i was like taring it then looked at ben and said thees no point is there
  17. HI guys new little video from me hope you like it this is all from one day off riding but there are abour 3 other clips in there! mostly sidehops gaps etc but anyway! thanks to matt smith and ben lazenby for filming danny Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ils&id=1153
  18. am still praying about the trains other wise have a good ride
  19. enuf off the arguing and who else is cuming to this ride is gonna be funny get a video goin + am here praying to god that the trains will be running lol !! danny
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