Beau's Gf Avi
my big bear till the very end, my handsome boy. I told you i'd never leave you, i said even if you was in a wheelchair. I promissed you. I'd look after you, help you. I just can't believe you left me, but your safe, with your grandad and your not in pain, you were to special to stay here. You even said less than an hour after your 8 hour opperation, so tired and weak you was, swispering to talk. You said " i love you Avi, I love you" over and over, then I'm almost in tears thinking bout it, you said " marry me" I would of, i said i would, we plained it, god so stupid but i remember planing all of it. Saturday night last weekend in you're lounge about 3 o'clock in morning, watching Bams unholy unian. We said married on Cornwall beach, you'd wear an Armarnie suit, I'd wear what ever i wonted you'd pay. Then honeymoon in California, how you went on about loving California. Then arguing about how many kids, i said four, you said three or two. You wonted a Boy called Rowan and a girl called Sky. I said yes, such lovely names tbf. I wonted Beau and Avalon as their middle names. I said we'd sale them because they'd be so beautiful, we'd get "bare pennies" as you'd say. It was all such a dream, it's like i remember it, but it's so far away. Just waiting for you to call me saying " Oi pussyhole, Avi you aint called again, you alright munchkin?" or texting " Am i seeing u after school, i gota sine my bail form, then i'll come, then back to mine? num nums or wat ever you wontwat u think gorgeous? love you my baby bear for life" At your house today was the hardest, in your room just expecting you to walk in at any momment. I'd been there on Tuesday with you, I'd stayed over on Monday night, i tryed to blag school to stay in bed with you all day again. And i keep getting flashes of your face when you'd gone, so still but still beautiful, holding your hand, you were so cold and empty. I can't believe you've gone, and i can't follow you, you promissed you'd never leave me and i'm never letting go. You'll never be forgotten i swear, you were so special to all of us. I love you for ever Beau. my handsome, my big bear, fatty, podgey, food machine, little boy, hubby, ugly, loser, beautiful, pussyhole, my boy. I love you, Ride in Peace.
cant imagine wat its liek for her and his family must be SOOO hard not seen him i couldent live without my gf
rip mate xxx