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Danny Swindlehurst

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Everything posted by Danny Swindlehurst

  1. i have shlonger hair F dreads though
  2. hi there been fiddleing round with my bikes lately moving parts from one to the other, and this is what ive come up with and thought it looked really nice. lmao, as always ross
  3. you 2 dont start argueing please...leave it!
  4. arnt the halo rims ment to way about 5 tonne lol, looks nice never the less
  5. Oreet guys, just finished making my brothers video, dosent really show the best of him as people who ride with me and him no, the footage is quite old starting from early last year on the monty a few bits on the koxx witch he has now,so the footage is abit picky but he dosent stop progressing and its starting to scare me lol comments welcome danny
  6. There really are some B3ll3nds on this forum... close topic please... F**Kin w**kers
  7. Matt you fat slut lmao me and my bro wanan ride with you agen such a funny crack! lmao cumign to leeds this weekend or next cya soon! danny
  8. CLOSE PLEASE Topics turned into a argue centre
  9. ace video lads, ive not been up falton in years !!! gonna have a trip up soon cause its on 5 mins from me danny
  10. sounds ace!, i'd deffo come down if you needed any help... Test riding i'd come and help you build it! good luck danny
  11. me and bro will come Well drag along ginger allen jordan cubby lewis
  12. booster and bars need changing once thats done youll have a winner
  13. my dads one of the top motobike specialists round here he does all mine when you next come to kendal matt we will take it down to my dads!
  14. have you inserted them? cause if you have get some longer inserts cause the smaller ones a wank like! danny
  15. lol ace video, bit all over the spot, some of matt in there lmao, *slegzzz* matt You legend ride soon ! danny
  16. i will tell me a date + time and am there danny
  17. 3rd wheels arnt for me i just blow em up
  18. ace larl vid you got oil on your brakes
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