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Danny Swindlehurst

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Everything posted by Danny Swindlehurst

  1. keep the adamant!!!!
  2. is it just me... orrr does he look like hes doing on of sidehopps on porpose danny
  3. Penrith - Oreet people quite alot of us from Kendal and carlisle and a few other from wigan etc are all missioning to penrith for a change, we are gonna ride the castle most of the day and then scout about in penrith for spots to ride! Anyone want to join us ? Anyone's welcome! 10-11ish in the castle we will be meeting! And...! Change of plan Carlisle - Also the day after few people are stopping at mine and were all riding Carlisle day after cause i have the day of work! will most likley be all people from carlisle kendal lot and others! more the merryier! 11 at the station! my numbers 07986967844! Thanks Danny! x
  4. think it was the edit witch made it watchable more and beast
  5. 18 : 12 no word about it! .
  6. winder you never rang me to come out! you better be out on saturday!! bikes a reet weapon! danny
  7. Rear tyer is beast the pro 2 took ages to do its not the axle that had to be changed its the whole thing has to be machined down
  8. cheers for the comments guys! danny
  9. when was that.. i saw someone hoppin about in the waiting area!? same person
  10. about as strong as a bag of chips
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