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Danny Swindlehurst

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Everything posted by Danny Swindlehurst

  1. GET A BMX JOE GOOOOOODDDD !!! i liked it! getting some beast air outt the quarters good work keep em cuming danny
  2. lmao wigan... saying that frame hasnt been sidehopped is like saying a slag is a virgin :/ nice life for that frame!
  3. think im there people if i pass my driving test on the 1st !! danny
  4. i think i might be seen ma new wife there on that day am not sure but ill cum ride for abit with u lil ladsss ill get soem people out!
  5. white rims bars brakes spokes etc etc then ull be sorted
  6. nick your not bein a mong, set te private
  7. be reet in't morning ! get t-cut out! lol danny
  8. lmao ace ride! ace footage! poor jonny snappin his frame Carlisle tommora lads! danny
  9. i was going to ride the demo for onza am busy that weekend though
  10. oright mate, Its about 15mins drive down motoway from carlisle! basically your 1st main junction off after carlsile, really easy to find! and even easyier on a train cause you just got streight from glas or edin without changing + the castle is directly across fro mthe train station!!! witch you basically have to walk 10 metres to it! and theres also a maccies! its basically a natural/street beast castle witch cls rides in this natural vids, ill find vid for you mate and after we have had most of the days riding at the castle! were goin to go scout out some street spots to ride in the town witch i have never been be4! my number mate : 07986967844 danny
  11. he made template i filled it in a and put pages and title etc in
  12. Oreet guys a website charlie jennings made for me i sorta filled in the info and he made it for me, its not 100% finished and it will ahve a propper domin in the next few days! keep lookign back cause it will change around abit! hope you like it! simple and sweet! http://bluestreamdesign.info/dannyswindlehurst/ Comments would be nice! just take int oconsideration it isnt finished yet! thought id share it with you anyway! cheers danny link changed
  13. oreet guys! anyone else want to join we have got a good number goin now! danny
  14. black rims black forks then itll be a winner! danny
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