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Danny Swindlehurst

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Everything posted by Danny Swindlehurst

  1. look on tarty bikes or select bikes hope i helped .......dan.......
  2. if u are having an ademant go for the a2 because it is te same lenghht but longer chain stays
  3. for good brake prormance and quallity go for the plaz crm pads
  4. nice one ,anybody else? Te ride is on the sunday so there is no people walking about
  5. we are having a kendal ride on the 18th or the 19th of dec what ever day is better! kbt eg : tom rigg ect, and some others are cuming down everyone welcome be there, were meeting @the centre of town at 10:00am theres loads to do c u there cheers danny
  6. kbt and a few others are going to carslie, were meeting at the station @ about 10:45 everyone welcome cheers danny
  7. if they are for maguras kook on supercycles
  8. any body up for riding in carsile on this sunday kbt will be there and a few carslie riders others feel free to cum cheers danny
  9. because u are ill u bell were also at carsile wid rob on sun and at blackpool on sat
  10. weres that? i've not bin to blackpool before!!!
  11. very short notice, theres a ride in blackpool on the 10th of dec thiss week end.Theres the kendal bike trials team there and also some of the cultiv8ted eg: stan shaw Theres going to be about 15 of us its going to be mint,meet at front @ 10 am see u all there. cheers danny (Y)
  12. alright josh are u going to blackpool or carslie
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