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Danny Swindlehurst

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Everything posted by Danny Swindlehurst

  1. i would rather ride a 20" easer to handle
  2. i need to no if there is a zona website please help cheers danny
  3. will try to get it on sunday then oh yea ur sciving as well u *******
  4. is any 1 out this weekend ? we r going to get a ride going on saterday or sunday at preston or morcombe if u want a come post back and we will arange the times and date cheers danny
  5. change of plan we r ridung kendal tommorow its a mint place to ridecome on down it a bit past lancaster about 5 of us from kendal will be out and we r meeting at macie d's say 11 ish theres creates walls some and some rocks get your self down ere and the weather is good cheers dannythe weather
  6. plaz on a medium grind and wid a tad bit of tar...
  7. some lads from kendal (kbt) r going to morcombe tommorrow 4 a ride u r more welcome to come if u can get there we r meeting in burger kings car park near morrisons at about 11pm get your self down if possible cheers danny p.s post back
  8. oh and also there will be some people out from preston as well
  9. 1-brake lever 1=try-all rim 4=freewheels 1=chain 2=magura hoses and thats it ....i think
  10. we r now meeting were stan sais the weather is soppose to be good tomoz so get your self down to preston
  11. get a zoo python or zona zip there mods witch have low bb hieght and r very strong
  12. come on down to preston again we r meeting @ macies car park @11pm
  13. will do me tom andy and ma bro and tom rigg
  14. go 4 the try-all foam grips there soft and u can buy them from tartybikes but they were down fast they last 4 about 4 months foam grips
  15. im 14 teen and i started 2 1/2 years ago and i had a onza t-bird then a montypr 05 and now ive got a zona zip tartybikes custom build and i adore it
  16. some people from the kendal bike trials team might have a ride in preston if anybodys out? we will go if people will come we will set the times witch we r meeting if people will come. post back cheers danny
  17. i help ma mum and dad and then they buy it or i save up from ma b day and pay
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