1st time riding red and it was a fun day, even though I couldn't do most of the sections, was all fun riding the comps again, that log section at the beginning of section 5? was damn hard. Nice to see everyone Tom
Matt has been riding for 5 months now and I thought it was time for him to be in a video. As for me I have been off riding for 2 months because I've been doing a half season snowboarding, which was awesome. So this vid is of me getting back into riding and matt showing his 5 months of riding off. Riding is in Poole from last night we rode there for about 3 hours. it is 5 minutes-ish long and 117mbs to download, it was a good laugh to be back riding with matt again. Hope you enjoy Tom http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/speedyjustice
Youtube Video ->
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