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Everything posted by T.McMillan

  1. T.McMillan


    From the album: Czar updated

    disc brake
  2. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-08-MOSSO-Alumini...1QQcmdZViewItem interesting? I think they look abit too lightweight for trials, anybody want to test them , ive delt with this seller before super quick postage
  3. very nice, ben, i cant wait till i see a video of you riding it, any idea when you will bring one out?
  4. really good video enjoyed alot
  5. sweet go to stock, didnt like music though is danny not entitled to his own opinion? y moan
  6. awesome video, good bails, really good riding there, sick line from mike when he hops across the yellow barriers
  7. T.McMillan

    Dan Brooker

    really enjoyed that dan, sucha good smooth style, wish we rode portland now haha, hopefully ride there soon
  8. yeah, i did think of bringin it just incase, what happened to your hub?
  9. i did mine on a buffing wheel
  10. you just contradicted yourself, its just a better spec frame then the PR frame
  11. if it rains we wont be going and it looks like it will rain
  12. yeah dont rush, you got the technique there, just keep practising
  13. check all bearings etc, mine made marks like that after a bearing had collapsed and springs snapped, therefore it hasnt all been sat correctly inside the hub.
  14. lush bike i love it, never heard of him, any videos around?
  15. T.McMillan


    nice video guys i cant wait until i visit buthiers in june, its gunna be awesome
  16. Hey rich i snapped an 07 one 2-3 weeks ago as well, i was so annoyed, just send it back with a note saying your address UK Head Office Hope Technology Ltd. Fernbank Mill, Fernbank Avenue Barnoldswick Lancashire, United Kingdom BB18 5UY Phone: +44 (0) 1282 851200 Fax: +44 (0) 1282 851201 E-mail: info@hopetech.com Service & Warranty: +44 (0) 1282 818413 Service E-mail: service@hopetech.com
  17. you should of recieved your tensioner today, can you ride portland on sunday?
  18. yeah shud be able too, if you dont take it too seriously hehe
  19. dan runs dual avid ultimate v's, on pretty smooth rims, nice vid mr jones, massive gap
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