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Everything posted by T.McMillan

  1. 15ish front and back, with the cheapest tubes i can possibly find and run a maxxis rear tyre
  2. GYM - Twice a week, for arms legs and back XC - Once maybe twice a week, for cardio, 30 mile rides Road Cycling - 5 to 7 days a week, cycling too and from work Trials - Twice a week if its not pissing it down.
  3. Sick Ride, nice to see some faces haven't been out riding for ages!!!
  4. heyhey, looking better for sunday, i should be about, ill have the bike bits in my bag andy ill ring you guys when im in poole should be there between 12.30 and 1.30
  5. They sound really good, cant wait to try one out!!
  6. sick rider, hes got some cool facilities to ride.
  7. are any of those wheels helpful to you?
  8. TRA in the making literally, brilliant power!!! good work
  9. Oh and i might have a front rim for you terry.
  10. Ive got a rear brake forsale or just a rear braided cross over?. And i will def be coming if the weather is good ill be out about 1ish though. Tom
  11. brilliant riding really enjoyed that.
  12. Terry ive got a rear wheel for sale with a hope hub if your interesetd? Regards Tom
  13. are you not riding for koxx anymore? Bike looks proper cool
  14. Hey terry im gunna try and come out, fingers crossed it is nice weather about time we had the yellow sun thing, i think thats what its called Oh luke if i get next sunday off you could come and stay over sat eve? Tom
  15. why dont you speak to rossy g george that sucks!!
  16. T.McMillan


    Dan that was epic, just epic, all the riding was beast. The best line was when you went to tap that wall and you knocked that bike over at oxford white walls pure genius, ride soon dude, no buthiers footage?
  17. cool stuff dave is a proper good rider
  18. there looking into making one
  19. cool thanks thats all i needed, how you doin ian
  20. Could anybody help me with the geo or spec of the frame Regards Tom
  21. brilliant video, great skills
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