GYM - Twice a week, for arms legs and back XC - Once maybe twice a week, for cardio, 30 mile rides Road Cycling - 5 to 7 days a week, cycling too and from work Trials - Twice a week if its not pissing it down.
heyhey, looking better for sunday, i should be about, ill have the bike bits in my bag andy ill ring you guys when im in poole should be there between 12.30 and 1.30
Hey terry im gunna try and come out, fingers crossed it is nice weather about time we had the yellow sun thing, i think thats what its called Oh luke if i get next sunday off you could come and stay over sat eve? Tom
Dan that was epic, just epic, all the riding was beast. The best line was when you went to tap that wall and you knocked that bike over at oxford white walls pure genius, ride soon dude, no buthiers footage?