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Everything posted by T.McMillan

  1. Brilliant video, cant wait to see more
  2. Sweet day everyone was wicked to see everyone gather, had so many crashes it was brill!!! see you at the next for some laughs all you beys!!
  3. Hey rich, Im affraid I got the wrong dates mixed up, Me Mowgli and Dan smith went last saturday, I will be riding the comp, so will see you then
  4. Terry is flexible, On my first ever comp I did, I didn't have any forms and stuff filled in but he allowed me to do it. He's a good bloke. AS for NATHY FAFFY, you nob lol sort it out!!
  5. Ill see what day ive got off next weekend and ill sort summit out, or can you ride a monday or a weds?
  6. Nice one guys i need to venture your way in the spring sometime, need some new places to ride.
  7. These pictures look sweet, im coming up to ride shipley glen in april sometime, you guys could show me around, dates are pending at the mo
  8. Sick I like this video!!!, need to ride soon mr shawn stanley, are you riding the comp?
  9. Really enjoyed that, what a lush looking place in the summer, ive only seen it covered in the white stuff!!!!
  10. Ill be there, Stickers for the win, black wont go with my colour scheme
  11. The people that are annoyed because they weren't selected are showing a poor attitude and exactly what tarty don't want for a team, but Im liking the entrainment lol. Im liking the team, sweet Mr marshall!!! youve always got to have a wise old man, sweet team chosen guys, some sweet riders, 2 of my favourite riders are in there!
  12. I have local annodising company, and they have never charged me any more than a fiver each time, and the maximum ive sent in items at one time is around 15 to 20, that included pedals, levers, brake clamps, bolts, bash rings, etc, so depending on how cheap really, plus you'll have postage costs on top of that.
  13. Sweet pics dan cant wait for the summer it looks proper nice, some good shots!
  14. wicked vid dude, will be cool too see you back on mod too, you could do a steve - o style video, Mod vs 24 possibly?
  15. Cool little vid rich I cant wait until your new vid will come out, see you at Hut Hill!
  16. Me mowgli n dan smith will be down tomorrow, im up for the bill first and then finish off on the quarries!
  17. love it ben, your one of my fav riders!! some good moves in there too!
  18. looked like a wicked weekend ross, good to see the karbon in action!
  19. Hey steve, That was a really sweet vid I reckon it is the best one released this year, really good riding! thats what trials is all about!!! so smooth too, your getting proper good now! love it! p.s. where is the place with the tyres and boxes etc? stock is better too!!
  20. If you could make them transparent so you can see the frame colour through it then I would get one, the wouldn't look as bulky too!! because they do look crap
  21. Def come dude last time we road was that hampshire play day I think
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