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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Simon

    Braunschweig Vid

    Well. Er. Yeah. That rock wall to up at 43 seconds is just f**king insane. I keep trying it, on like a 1.5ft high wall, and fail miserably every attempt, and there he is doing it up some 3/4ft wall. Wow.
  2. Simon

    An Idea?

    Music rights, video rights, profit rights, rider recognition. Etc etc etc. Can't work.
  3. Simon


    anzo seems to be correct, therefor I get 1113213211 though.
  4. Dyslexia isn't an excuse for typing like a retard. Does dyslexia make you replace "for" with "4"? No, i didn't think so.
  5. Have some school girls at the ready then, as i know you have ample supply and can spare one or seven.
  6. Yes, and most people with a brain cell or more have common sense and use their initiative.
  7. Our train leaves durrington at 8:29am, arrive's at waterloo for 10:19 or something.
  8. Talk like that and you get a shit all explanation.
  9. Wo wo wo, the ashton has 20mm bottom bracket rise?
  10. It doesn't take off, it physically can't without the air around the wings at 200mph, and if the conveyor is also travelling at 200mph, whether the wheels be going at 200mph or the plane, it still means the plane isn't moving, and therefore can not take off.
  11. But, surely, if i understand this, the conveyor is going as fast as the plane should be going if it was moving, therefor keeping it still? It's just running on a running machine, there is no wind resistance or anything, and thats how a plane takes off, with the wind going by the wings and creating a vacuum. So it can't possibly take of, unless the riddle is twisted and saying the plane does actually move along the belt (like if you run on those belts at the airport when going to your terminal). So it won't take off, unless the riddle is a trick riddle and doesn't explain itself.
  12. If i show you a picture of my ferrari, would you believe i had one? Idiot.
  13. *sigh* How/why did you get validated.
  14. Ironic coming from you Ash.
  15. Get the forking day of you b*****d!
  16. Don't be pedantic Chris, you know what he meant. Trials, which ever way you look at is, is a new sport. We've only recently, in the past 3 or 4 years seen proper developments, and trials is far from going past infancy. There is so much un-touched knowledge and culture that we have yet to discover. Go ask someone what BMX is, they'll be like, "yeah, it's this...". Go ask someone what trials is, and watch the bemused face slide across as they're like "am i meant to know this?".
  17. f**king hell, this guy really has come from no where. Holy shit he kicks ass. I'm first in line Dave.
  18. I can't anymore, Premier has decided to finally give up on my PC, and it just won't play the clips without majorly lagging, so i can't edit at all.
  19. They was released when i was first looking for a proper bike, so over 4 years ago now.
  20. Simon

    Mac Virus

    This is the other reason you need not worry. *nix viruses have been around since the dawn of man, but any self respecting cracker won't bother writing a viruses for *nix. Not only is it stupidly complex, as that article proves, but why make a virus for *nix which would take years, and only effect like 10% of the home computer market, and even less of the business market, when you could make a virus in days that would effect 89% of the home computer market, and even more of the business market. Maximizing you're damage.
  21. Simon

    Mac Virus

    And if you read it before posting, you will notice it's complete bollocks. It seems the virus doesn't actually do anything much at all, and even the things it does, it does them very poorly. Not only that, but to actually get it, you need to be retard and accept the file, then un-rar it, then run the image file. I wouldn't worry, really.
  22. With help of the walk through, i did the white chamber. I would of never got it without the walk through.
  23. Where you get the other piece of the morse code paper from? I think i'm almost there. Got key for bike, spanner, remote key, turned on power, as far as i know, got this yellow block, the lights on the bike lock are now coloured, and i think you have to put the morse code into that box onto the wall, first button being short, second being long. So annoying this is.
  24. There is like a handfull of people on here that ride BMX, and even less that actually have the knowledge to answer that properly with good advice based on real life experiences. Have you not thought to visit a BMX forum?
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