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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Simon

    New Tattoos

    Is it legal to have a tatoo on your thumb? As in, have it done? As i know certain areas are not allowed. If it is allowed, would it hurt like a f**k?
  2. Was only one head light, still just as funny though. And Matt's sidehop to window haha. Awesome.
  3. Well, er, maybe 'cause other people don't have one? If i was to kind, it would be seen as discriminating against the female sex, thinking they are lesser and i need to be soft, if i'm the same to them as i am any other male, i get shouted at for being too harsh. Yey. Equal rights, but some rights more equal than others heh.
  4. Yeah, the whole "i've got no sense of humour, so lets attack Simon for it" has already been done thanks.
  5. If only one knew the whole story. *points to post above* Couldn't care who reports what.
  6. Tell you what, i've just noticed you are having the party the night before the ride. Maybe that isn't such a good idea.
  7. Simon

    Possibly A New Vid?

    Cheetah? Twist? Rhino? Can people please stop making up names for moves? That was an awesome video. Those 270 endo's are awesome, especially on that rail. Sa-weeeeeeeeeet.
  8. *reminder to self* don't make any jokes except ones aged for under 8 year old's, as clearly there are people here who have the humour level of such an age.
  9. Clearly, 99% of the internet lack the humour gene. Jesus christ. Incest is a f**king day at nursery for the type of jokes i or others come out with, to both male and female sex, makes no difference.
  10. http://www.migweb.co.uk/ Someone who used to visit here runs it. Seems pretty large.
  11. People always think trials is dying in the winter. Wait for summer and you'll complaining the sport is growing too much. You wait.
  12. For future reference, it's "favourite".
  13. Uh er. I'm thinking of the one around his house, but i'm sure someone did a bangor video with Ali in it. Or was that the Leeds ride video, or another ride video. Hm.
  14. Welcome to last week? Ali released the video days ago.
  15. You know it. What sort of party would it be without us worthing folk.
  16. Bump from June. Roar. Good idea son.
  17. NTL having trouble with their DNS. Google didn't exist for me earlier, and eBay doesn't exist too some too.
  18. European pallets are smaller by an inch or two. Was a massive discussion when the video was first released, and again when it was re-posted, and then again, and again. You get the idea.
  19. Shame it'll probably beat the shit out of most Max Power cars. One of 3 of those cars (they used 3 stunt cars in the film) was for sale a while back, and everything was real in the engine. Can't remember if the NOS was real though. It's my background at work.
  20. Basically, what Dave said. Try and make it sound like the work they have to do is as minimal as possible. All they need to do is supply building and either money for materials, or we give them a list, and the rest the riders will do. Also explain there is no trials park anywhere in the UK. Also try and get in that the nearest trials park is in south france, with next closest one in northern spain. Plug trials-forum too.
  21. I'm more shocked that your room is lilac. I tell a lie. I'm not shocked.
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