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Everything posted by Simon

  1. f**k me, we did it to take the piss, but all you lot seem to be taking all this crew bollocks seriously. Whats with all the crew shite? Senior member? Notified? Just bloody ride with friends. Crew? f**k me the youth of today do come out with some tripe.
  2. Of course its a problem, how f**king stupid are you. Copying and pasting someone elses code isn't just something someone does without caring. Do you actually have a brain in there or do you just copy how other people speak in absense of it.
  3. Simon


    No, thats what i'm saying. Moonfruit is just an advanced freebwebs/pizo alternative. Friend used it in high school and everyone thought he made it Payment? I hope to god you didn't pay for that.
  4. Simon


    Well, nothing really is done by you. At all. You just upload pictures, tell it what text goes on each page, and bam. Considering you are a "graphics" company, would it not be best to do your own site?
  5. You stupid f**king idiot. Do you actually have a brain, or did you just copy the person next to you at school to get out of pre-school. Its not completly different, in any sense of the word. You have copy and pasted the code. There is no two ways about it, its exactly the f**king same. HTML doesn't lie, you do. You are not promoting the sport, you are just promoting what a f**king idiot you are. Get a clue.
  6. Who is voting no? SHOULD BE BANNED, FOO'! But yeah, been homepage for a good few years now. Can't remember it not being trials-forum actually.
  7. Simon

    Glasseye Dvd

    Holy shit the bed. That was the most pants wetting experience ever. Words can not begin to describe the shit has packed in. Honourable riding mentions have to go to Nick and Tim. Holy shit. Some of that rail stuff shouldn't be physically possible. Also Wayne, bejebus, some of that was huge. Everyone. Get this now.
  8. http://www.trialmedia.co.uk Get your own f**king ideas. A week solid. Yeah, ok. EDIT. You've actually straight copy and pasted the HTML. Cu*t.
  9. True, Brad's got nothing on me.
  10. He looks as much like Harry Potter as i look like Brad Pitt.
  11. I think it might be of Lost? When they show Kate robbing the bank? If not, i know the film, just cant think of it right now.
  12. Alex, you are meant to hide the viewer window on the left, otherwise you can see the red square, like i did. [attachmentid=2894] Now mine. [attachmentid=2895]
  13. Ok, i've finally worked out why you type so shit. Your head is so far up your own arse, you can't see the keys properly. Makes perfect sense now.
  14. Simon

    My Broken Bits

    Thats because that guy from mersey trial thought it'd be funny to bump a post from 2004 just to tell snappel to get his frames welded up by Triton. Nice one.
  15. Bet i didn't. No doubt it was plastered with shit as f**k spelling, well, not spelling, made up words that they think represent real words, shit pictures of a rider with no head, and no real web design, shit use of colour, normally bright green and size 100 font, all because piczo does everything for you, you just change font and tell it what pictures to put where. Its like the freewebs plague all over again. Not to mention the 1000 pop-up's that even get past firefox.
  16. I'm not even going to waste my time going past the first page with that as an enter button.
  17. http://uk.php.net/curl Knock yourself out. Also, Joe, i dont want to argue, i was just pointing out that isn't what i was argueing about.
  18. Its not at all. He asked me to make something to do it. Thats a whole different ball game. I could litterely get millions of votes.
  19. No its not. Thats wrong, as is cheating. I dont give a shit about cheating frankly, but just because i wont help you cheat isn't a reason to act like a child, and therefore i now for the duration of this have a problem with cheating. Actually, i lie, i couldn't give a shit, do you know why, because someone here knows how to be bigger man, and it sure as hell isn't you or your friend.
  20. "Other people are rapeing small children, i think we should too!" Yeah, nice one.
  21. *high five* Atleast i'm not the only one who blindly clicks and ends up in the section i want. Woooo.
  22. If the toothpaste people cheated and won, would you not be pissed off? Grow the f**k up. If it wins, it wins. If you want to cheat, thats your business, but i'm not going to help.
  23. Simon

    New Server

    Pow wow. Editorial, works fine for me mr.
  24. But 'cause you type like a retard, your opinion is void. Woooooo. Anyway, i loved playing football in high school, hated playing rubgy. Mainly 'cause all the big boys would group together and just leave you to get the shit kicked out of you. However, i hate watching football, unless its a world cup and our country is involved, then, and only then do i watch. I've never actually watched a full game of rugby, nor do i intend too, i guess the sport just doesn't grab me, but i can see how it would be a lot more enjoyable. It's like a mini war with advances and losses, where as football is just a dance off.
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