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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Until DNS propogates, use http://www.xl-designs.com to view press release(s) if you haven't already. You'll notice when the DNS is correct as its just a few lines of text.
  2. Danny officially has the worst fashion sense, ever. White trousers on a raining day, with a trip to a muddy forest riding moss rocks. Nice one Danny. Awesome video though, quite amazing how you can ride those rocks so well, yet they look worse then ice. Like the end bit too, that mahoosive tap up the rock where it blacks out "YES!" *pause* "NOH!"
  3. No video, no care. Get on with it Tart! Make time, pause time, use your magical Tarty powers, anything!
  4. Indeed. Tap. He didn't make it, but as you can see, got damn close. If you see on the left of the picture, there is a slab missing, he made that to back wheel and kept it. I believe the bit he was tapping there is 56, and the bit with the slab missing is 52/54, can't remember. Was f**king high either way.
  5. What you hosting and how soon you need this?
  6. Thats a bit powerfull. Was good until those dickheads ruined it by going to far.
  7. You should ride with us. *Attempt 2ft gap, fail* Sit down for an hour talking about random shit and molesting small goats *Attempt 2ft gap, succeed* *Attempt random line with various things thrown in for a good 20 minutes* Sit down for two hours wondering how we could steal that baby and pillage a large village. Thats how trials is done down these parts.
  8. You've tried to sell something 3 times, you've posted a topic on "spray on tar", and asked where to get tar, twice. You have no comprehension of the english language, nor do you seem to have any awareness of what a decent question is, or a decent response. Then you need to question why you havn't been validated. Need i go on. You will be here to next year too if you keep it up. Time is of no value in the validation period. Make one decent post, get validated in hours, make no decent posts, but stay here for a year, and you still wont be anywhere.
  9. Ltd Edition? Limited to just the one i hope.
  10. You cant link from your computer. Nor does it seem can you access your brain.
  11. Yeah, or over here japslaps are also known as blunts/gaps in some parts. Maybe its time i did my trials dictionary.
  12. Shit the bed, i just looked at the clock and saw it was 10 past 2, was panicing as i well couldn't remember the last hour, then i remembered.
  13. Summers on its way! Woooooooooooo. Drive home in daytime too, so much more fun.
  14. Simon

    Internet Plug

    Its still being tested, pretty sure you can't get it unless you know some very high people who can get you a test position.
  15. They've also payed for 3 months. No JT, you under estimate the cost of running a server.
  16. Why didn't you use Brendans design. Well, where to start. The first thing that jumps out is the Times New Roman font. Please, before you do anything, change that. Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, just 3 various fonts that would like perfect. Why is that navigation block thing on the left so far down, and why does everything load with a good 200px empty space at the top? Looks like its broken rather then a design feature, which i guess is what you was going for. Then, you've done something which i've already gone over today. View this image, and now look at it on your homepage. Regardless of what width and height you put in, it will load the whole image as that size, then resize it on the fly. Not only does it make the image look shit because it doesn't process it or anything, so all the lines become a mess, as does the general quality, but it takes ages to load. You've also done the same for the navigation buttons, which makes them look really, really bad. Same for the links page, this is the image it will load, and when you've set the widths and heights, you havn't kept the right proportions, so it looks really bad. Nice concept, badly executed. Fix some of those things, mainly the font and re-size the images yourself, not using width=" " height=" " in the <img> tag, and it will be much better.
  17. Ticks over to next month Tom and Danny. The advertising stuff got out of handed months ago, with various people generally taking the piss. I've made atleast 3 threads in senior about advertising and how it gets out of hand, and each time we just drop the subject as its to hard to maintain.
  18. An accurate guess would be one of the other bike makes. Begins with T, ends in N. What some people don't understand, is that his post wasn't advertisement, if you plaster it with branding, prices, suppliers, sponsors, then its advertising.
  19. Right, i keep having to say this. This doesn't just apply to a website i reply too, it applies to any website. Have a look at this image, then look at how big it is on the homepage. Regardless of what width and height values you put in, it will load the whole image, then shrink it on the fly, so instead of loading what would be a sub 90kb photo, it has to load a 900k photo. Now, imagine that times 5. Other then that, a nice design, but make the links stand out more, they are very dull.
  20. If it isn't pissing it down like BBC weather tells me it will be for the next 5 days, i'm there as usual. Means riding from my car to station though, rude.
  21. Woah indeed. Reading my post i came across really pissed off and shit, and i'm actually not. Just bemused at how people can actually be serious about a "trials crew".
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