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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Right, i'm currently thinking stupid f**king ideas, so hopefully someone will tell me what i don't really want to hear, and stop me from making a stupid as f**k decision. So, if i declare a car as off the road, as i understand it, you dont need to pay TAX or get it mot'ed, correct? However, does this also mean i don't need to pay insurance? Also, are there any other charges for declaring a car as off the road. Not worried about one off payments, more worried about if i'll get charged monthly or yearly. Main thing is insurance though.
  2. Simon

    Do You Use...

    Thats the speed at which your NIC (Network Interface Card) works and is not your actual connected speed. And rich, we are further behind then you think, in sweden you could get 10mbit SDSL two years ago for the price we was getting 128k. They also offer 1gbit home lines now.
  3. According to this thread, average age is 16. Good luck trying to convince your dad other wise.
  4. Simon

    Do You Use...

    There is always a need for more then 2mb. Had to watch someone test my server, 2mb/sec. Thats a plus 20mb connection by the way. Friend has 8mb, and its insane how quick he gets stuff. Takes him 10 minutes to fully download an episode of Lost, rar it up, then start sending it to me. I'm on 1mb by the way, and hate it. Just to think, not so long ago 128k was the dogs bollocks.
  5. Design updated. Navigation is now fixed. Danny wont like it, but tought shit. And 3 videos, come on people!
  6. If you want to be like that, slag, () then you must know i've been "following" the trend that only started a few months back for a good few years. Its just a way to emphasize something. Sort of like being speechless, but not. Capishé.
  7. See your point, might make it less prominent. Has to be there though, mainly for my purposes. First number is how many MySQL queries were performed, second is how long the page took to process, and third is how many clicks (basically hits). There will be more there, like on the old trials-shack. Amount of files, size of files, users, blah blah. Not to sound like a know it all, but there sites probably aren't majorly huge. I mean the site, not the business. To give you an idea; http://www.cdt.org/speech/spam/030319spamreport.shtml http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_harvesting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stopping_e-ma...ress_Harvesting http://www.private.org.il/harvest.html (wank site, but you get the idea) Yeah, just couldn't be bothered to do a contact form. I'll just a put flood protection on, so you have to wait 10 minutes before contacting again. Same with register form, you can't register more once every 60 seconds.
  8. 1) There is meant to be a a search thing there, or i'm making the news bit span across more. Its also sticking out the same amount each side, that was the idea. It used to span all the way across but Danny kept complaining. EDIT: Didn't look at your attachment properly, not sure why there is a gap there to be honest. I'll look into it. 2) I see your point. Basically, if you click (#2), you will go to the short URL for that video, so incase the person gets to it like that, but then wants to link to the video with filename, they can, although i see your point so i've removed it. Also added support for divx files.
  9. Others are maxing out their connections, yet a very small few are getting wank speeds. Although i seem to remember on the last server you got rubbish speeds too. This one is on the other side of the world so i'm beginning to think its you rather then server. You know, i've got the exact same problem. Better look into that. THIS IS NOW SORTED. Bad ideas. I see what you mean, although that reminds me i forgot about my first visit thing. When you first visit the site, you'll get a message telling how to navigate, how to download and so on so forth. Yes, how does it make it look cluttered? Because you can also get to a video by using /view/123 where 123 is its id. The filename is a link incase you want to switch between the two. It doesn't look really wrong, its how everyone does it. It stops me getting thousands of e-mails where someone has just sent a spider over my site to harvest any strings that match an e-mail and either sell them on, or use them themselves
  10. Right then. Its with great pleasure i present Trials-Shack - Bike Trial Media Hosting. Right, heres the deal. Trials-Shack is a place where you can host your videos, or even zips/tars. The upload method of choice is FTP. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, which as the name suggests, is designed to transfer files. This allows you to queue uploads, pause uploads, resume uploads, delete, rename or what ever else you wish to do to the file. FTP clients of choice are either filezilla or smartftp. If you wish to upload videos on Trials-Shack, simply go to the register page, and make sure you click yes. Once you are registered, you will be given all the relevant FTP information. Once you have installed an FTP program, you will see it becomes obvious on how to connect and begin uploading. If you don't wish to upload any videos, please dont bother registering, there is no added features for a registered user, except the ability to change your own password, which doesn't work if you dont have an FTP account anyway, so go figure. When connected, either upload there, which is recommended, or you can create sub folders and upload videos in there, which ever you wish to do. I've not drawn up any Terms and Conditions yet, but i'll let common sense apply until i can be bothered. The usual though, no porn, no warez, no programs, no mp3 (this one is new, pay attention), no html/php/asp or any other webpage. You get the picture. For information, look at the support page, or ask here. Comments on anything, from the as-user-friendly-as-possible register page, to the design, are all welcome. If all you want to say is "shit design", then i will simply ignore the post. Telling me something is shit without telling me why, wont get it improved. Also, if you have a problem, tell me the problem, as again, i cant fix a problem i don't know exists. Enjoy. PS: Information regarding advertising space on Trials-Shack will be posted soon.
  11. Simon

    Win My Bike!

    Check when the 30th of February actually is.
  12. Another one; http://www.openoffice.org/
  13. For this and giggles, here my topic post from last year.
  14. Don't get me started. Search for a topic by me on text talking, and you'll understand my position on this matter.
  16. Same link. Also, as Danny has pointed out. http://www.pinkbike.com
  17. Well well, now its after 12, lets see what sites there are about. http://www.google.com/romance/ http://slashdot.org/ - Personally, thats the best. Trials-Shack also had one up, but no one saw it. Any more? How about pranks? Was going to plan stuff for at work, but its a saturday.
  18. Simon

    Win My Bike!

    Ah well, http://www.trials-shack.co.uk - i tried too. Probably doesn't help that no one visits it so didn't even get noticed, but heh. Nice one JT.
  19. Heres one: If someone has posted more then 1 image, and they aren't attachments, if you quote their post, don't keep the images. Replace them with IMAGE HERE or something. We do not want to have to scroll twice the amount just to see "Nice pictures mate". Same with large posts. Just cut it off to a few lines, or cut out the bit you want to quote on.
  20. ? Looks like he is only going to clear the lower roof, but also by the looks of it, it looks to be a perfect angle into the bank. Sweet.
  21. I'm going to be honest here, but please correct me if i'm wrong. Why? You complained about the length of your control i think it was, then you went to a BT6, i think. You are probably the tallest rider about, or the one that needs the most cockpit room, so you've gone to a 1065 ashton? Sorry, but i really think you are a fashin victim, how can it not be cramped for you? By all means, i could be completly wrong, so sorry if i am, but thats how it comes across to me.
  22. Day? DAY!? Camp you penis! All of worthing will attending. Taking 3 cars as far as i know, if not 3, then atleast two. Rock on.
  23. Drop your front when you drop, and please tell me you aren't just learning drops.
  24. Hoobastank - Out Of Control. f**king love it.
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