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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Crap reason. Should be, "calling Tom a cock, you cock".
  2. Since i read the article last year sometime, it seems the tides have turned. Eating my words heh.
  3. You can try http://www.flashkit.com as they have loads of different sounds, and might have what you are looking for, or even combine some.
  4. Er, sales/profit have actually increased. They very much try to hide it, but its very true. Was an article about it, either earlier this year or fall of last year. Think the music industry saw a profit gain too.
  5. Looks good, but like, what the f**k is it. I don't understand it.
  6. One? Currently i count around 18. PS: Why have people registered antimyspace.com/co.uk/.net and then not done anything with them, same for anti-myspace.com/.net.
  7. Is it really that bigger deal that you have a 1030 monty? Do you want me to suck your penis now? Stop making such a big deal out of it.
  8. Here comes Simon to f**k things up. \o/ f**k college/uni. Personally. No course at Uni or College could teach me what i wanted to know. I can 100% assure you, if bob went to a web design job interview with 2 years in college and 3 at uni, but no sites to his name, he'd get turned down straight off. If john went to the same interview, dropped out of college after 1 year but had done 5 or 6 sites, showing progressiong and understanding of the market, he'd get handed the job on a plate. It really depends on what you want to get into. Some job areas require 10 years in education, some require you just to know the market and have a portfolio that proves this. So er, yeah.
  9. Proffesional? Is he f**k.
  10. Nah, i've uploaded nothing. Don't have any of the old videos to upload.
  11. Literally, a couple. Of the same thing too, at almost the exact same time as each other.
  12. You didn't love her? I've been out with plenty, well, not plenty, but i've been out with girls that i don't love. Just went out with them 'cause i could, almost. Just fancied them, was the teenage thing to do. As for bored. You didn't look bored from the picture i saw.
  13. People wanted it as an option last time, and quite a few people used it infact. It wont encourage abuse. If it does, i'll just suspend the video and ban the user.
  14. Some formats don't support it. Like .divx, and of course .zip and .rar. And i'm also future proofing it. For instance, the (GOT) thing Smo talked about, will be moving to that column, as a picture, along with the rest of the video keys (passworded, locked, suspended, hourly limit, etc), and some other images that will be used when i add various different features, like the archive. Well, in honesty, i didn't make a script to add screenshots to all videos that are currently there, so some videos still may not have screenshots for it, and well, i wanted it to look pimp and shit. Oh, quickly, i fixed the "sort by downloads" option.
  15. 2004 called, it wants it colour back.
  16. For small sites, its not really worth it. I only do it through force of habit, and personally believe every site should adhear to standards, but thats a whole different topic. Its really not worth the hassle unless you want to learn about standards and W3C, and learn how god damn annoying it is converting non-standard code to strict code.
  17. If you are going to validate it, then i simply wouldn't bother. As you've used tables, or the program you used has used tables, and tables are for tabular data, not layouts. But don't just follow the validators rules and suggestions, theres a thousand other things to make code good. If you do want to validate it, either use XHTML 1.0 Strict, or HTML 4.1 Strict, anything else is pointless.
  18. Simon

    Tank's Wedding

    Married? what the duck. He's that awesome rider who rides a Czar? Right? Used to ride stripped down T-Rex? Congrat's dude.
  19. Yeah, does take some research if you use google. Check the site, put in the company name into google, and check webhostingtalk.com. Even some deals on there too.
  20. Indeed, stops turning very, very quickly. Also doesn't look very bulky, considering it has 72 engagements. Sounds good though.
  21. 10 quid a month. I'd be un-happy if i was paying anything over 4. I use hosting-unlimited.net for my spare hosting account, and i can't fault them. I pay 30 a year too, although that was an eBay deal. You could also try sniffhost.net or something, saw someone recommend them on here. As i said, my hosting is from an eBay deal, have you looked there? Theres often some awesome deals going on there.
  22. Not sure if you are trying to be funny or not () but that means GOT, as in, you have downloaded this video. Maybe i should put up a key. Was going to when people could lock and password files, but might have to do that now.
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