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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Like any other company with a clue? Excellent video. I saw the funny side of the random shouting at the end. Its much like me going "f**k off home Andy, we don't care Andy" after he pulled some insane trick. That obviously wasn't the end of it, and i said well done and so on, but its just what people to do on rides, have a joke about. Hell, i swear someone has even shouted "trials-shack!" on a video before, or atleast, to a camera after someone has done a move. But yeh, dece video, needs more lines though, rather then just one trick. Loving the gap to front wheel, pivoting the back end round and riding along the ride though.
  2. Simon


    Can i call you immature for not at all understanding my post?
  3. Simon


    I'll bring paedophilia back into fashion, just you f**king wait. Freewebs, piczo, moonfruit and any other template shit pisses me off. Rar. I'm only joking by the way, they don't piss me off, i just dislike them. Somewhat. Anywhom, this isn't confession, this is just a shit f**king thread you gay Har har har. That was also a joke by the way. Playing on the whole topic of this topic, and all that jazz. On another note, f**k me i'm posting shit today. I also swear profusely. Oh my.
  4. Get a certificate, cost around 60 quid. Get a dedicated server, setup apache with SSL. Or find a host that will do a SSL certificate included. Normally you have to buy the certificate though, and pay extra to be able to use SSL on your site. Out of interest, why do you want SSL? The only reason its ever needed is for credit card information, or if you dabble in warez and need everything secure.
  5. Simon


    HTTP Tunnel. Run it from a floppy/USB drive/CD so it doesn't need to be installed. Pow. Google around, requires you to setup something at home, but does the job. I've never tried it, but it has no reason not to work, as it sets up a direct connection to your home connection, and uses your home connection to connect to pages, they are then delivered down the tunnel to the connecting computer. Also means no one can abuse your home computer if you are away from your school computer, like someone could if you went the VNC route.
  6. Its the speed you burn it at. I burnt one at 58x, and it was majorly f**ked, did the same one at 8x, and it was perfect. Can sometimes get away with 16x, but at 8x it only takes 20 minutes to burn one MP3 CD, which in my book, is fine. Try and use the Joilot format (or something) as well, as i find it preserves folder names better, and therefore may preserve your missing folder.
  7. Would he f**k. You can't predict the future, nor can you 100% judge someone on a few posts on a forum. tricalum. Shut up. baladi, deal with it. You can easily get validated in one post. If you're one of these great riders or mechanics, why don't you give some advice or help and get validated. Also, advanced? steps? Validation can take under an hour, and you have access to the rest of the forum, not exactly a time consuming or effort giving task.
  8. f**k that, who in their right mind would pay for a bank account when it seemingly doesn't really provide many advantages, and is 19quid a month. But yeah, i would of looked rather gay if their was charges.
  9. Monthly fee for a bank account? What kind of moronic mates do you have. The answer is no, of course there isn't a fee.
  10. I never said they were all original. I know they are not. I was more covering myself for some of the other features which i have yet to find exist, like the image gallery managing stuff, and the whole site as a whole, rather then individual sections of it. Here there and everywhere? I only said it once at the start of this thread, and once in the document, mainly because the document was going to be in an e-mail or only companies would download it, and therefore not see this thread, not to mention the thousand kiddies that will save the file, change the logo, then blag it as their own. By the way, the eBuyer thing. Lightbox is a free downloadable script, and i downloaded it from there, not eBuyer. It was going to be a quick fix, but time got away from me. Which leads me onto what most have been saying. I have very little time at the moment. Coding 10-6 sort of drains your motivation to come home and code for another 5 or 6 hours again. The features will come, just in time. If i start on a feature however, i'll finish it, much like video screenshots only too around 3 or 4 days to completely finish and have live. I did start on web uploading, but it turns out the vital PHP patch i need for it to work, doesn't support my version of PHP, so i need to look into that more. Jake, i did this ages ago, and stopped doing it ages ago too. Alexx, thats the idea. The final plan is so users can completely customize how their Trials-Shack home page looks, like in what order information is displayed (when more features are displayed on homepage, it'll seem more useful then it will currently), including important stuff like the web upload form there, etc etc etc. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to post this.
  11. Bongo contributes. A picture of a wall or a fence every few weeks isn't a contribution. Anyway, on topic, i was trying to find smiley picture for "this thread is useless without pics'" but i couldn't. But you get the idea.
  12. Not bad, not bad at all. First thing i noticed though, was the loading times. As the past few years have shown us, the deng franchise is located in f**king wank data centers, meaning speeds to and from the server are appalling, so then doing a graphically intensive site (for china, anyway) is a really bad idea. People will leave if they have to sit and watch the navigation load, and the news, which leads me onto my next quirk. Having a body of text as an image is such a bad idea its untrue. Not only does it mean partially sited, or even slightly visually impaired people can't use it, and i know you wont care, but the people who try to enlarge the text (ctrl +, or ctrl scroll-wheel) will find it rather annoying, but its an unnecessary loading time, which as i mentioned, isn't the best of ideas on a china located website. Plus the stuff others mentioned, but notably the slash page. They are useless, and i'm as against them, if not more than Tom. Also, the dealers page is broken, and the main splash page doesn't have a title, but you are going to get rid of that anyway, aren't you. Love that main navigation graphic though, thats super super good.
  13. f**king hell. Not the end of the world dude. Could of been one of a hundred various reasons they didn't turn up. Its only a ride, stop fapping about it. (ps, if you know the alternative meaning for fapping, hush up.)
  14. Simon


    How do you know?
  15. Hm. How did you make them sidehops look so big. Also, holy f**king shit. 10ft static? f**k off.
  16. ! is an illegal character. Don't use it, and the video will work. OK?
  17. Are you old enough to have pubes?
  18. Simon

    Big Brother

    Had an excellent arse on her though. <3 low cut tight jeans.
  19. Did you have the correct license?
  20. 3 years ago for me. Can't really remember last day either, can remember prom though, was wank. After party wasn't though.
  21. Fair play to the guy, but turning up at the bike show, then not riding 'cause of what ever lame excuse he had that time is in my eyes, shit. Not to mention him getting in a paddy at a competition a few years back because "this competition isn't trials" and he got beat. Also telling people to f**k off when they asked about why his diamondback frame was a koxx isn't all that joyous either. Meh, we all see different sides to people, i obviously didn't see the best.
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