NTL is f**king shocking. Fair play, lately they've got a lot better, but a few months i had to start writing down evey time the internet went down. Twice a day, without fail for two weeks. NTL half arsed fixed it, as it kept going down after they 'fixed' it, just not as much. Anyway, its a lot better know, and hardly ever goes down. The only time i can remember in the past 2 months was a town wide fault. However, i tried to ring their customer support, and they shut at 8. Er, nice one, dick heads. They are by far the best, but not all that bad. Also, a note on all these 16mb/10mb/24mb options. It all depends on your distance from the exchange. I know people on 8mb bulldog broadband who get 4mb at the best of times, and there is nothing they can do. Someone even got a max of 2mb so was actually advised to downgrade to the 2mb package, which they did. You'll notice i mentioned 24mb, which, if you want, is available here. Its quite new though, but just incase.