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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Are you sure there isn't other stuff involved? He's personally insulted me before, quite harshly as well, thats the sole reason he's been on my ignore list for about 4 months now, one of only 2 people on it. Don't take a snapshot of a situation and act on it. I'm not saying your wrong, maybe it was just for that post, if so, who cares, its 3 days, not eternity *cough*MrMonkey*cough*.
  2. Simon

    Kit Car

    Go to a kitcar show, theres specialist for this sort of thing, Adrian Flux isn't a specialist, they think they are, but they are not. As a ball park, you have to be 21 to own a kit car and insure it, so don't go getting your hopes up. I was going to have one of my dads, but they wouldn't even give a quote as i was under 21
  3. Simon

    The Lost Thread

    Nice one for spoiling it. Just be glad i had seen it before you wrote that.
  4. Simon

    The Lost Thread

    Not that good?!?! Find a hole and die! Blashpeem! Because i felt cool downloading it so early, alright.
  5. Simon

    The Lost Thread

    You're in america!? Right, a few questions for you. Do you recieve your tv through cable or satelite? Is ABC part of your basic tv package, or do you have to subscribe to it? I stayed up till 4 to download it, in the end my friend sent it to me. I was going to bed to watch it at 6 after 2 hours sleep. As you can see, that didn't go to plan having just woke up. Don't have time to watch it until later now.
  6. Simon

    The Lost Thread

    I don't get torrents before anyone, if i would of got it earlier, it would of been the actual file, before it its indexed by any torrent sites, before it has a torrent for the file. Wont be happening this time though, friend going to sleep.
  7. Simon

    The Lost Thread

    I'm aiming to start downloading at 4am, watch it by 6, or earlier if my mate is kind.
  8. Simon

    The Lost Thread

    Season 3 starts here in Febuary. Incorrect, episode 00, which was a re-cap of the past 2 seasons aired a bit back, that was classed as season 3, but season 3 officially starts in 2 hours.
  9. You mean less information?
  10. Simon

    Blue Peter Today

    Too f**king right, already e-mailed them. Did it through programme suggestions though, didn't find their e-mail address till after. I'm complaining that they called it BMX! Shit all, as they'll go into a shop, ask to buy a BMX and be like "wtf is this shit with a seat, huge gears, and wank brakes". Can't believe they properly called it BMX.
  11. Sarcasm. Like, why should only proffesionals have websites, etc etc.
  12. Simon


    Cleaner until January this year when i became a Website Developer, made redundant 2 months ago, still job less. Had one interview, got a few other things to persue if i don't get job, so we'll see.
  13. 2 onza teams, 1 mad team, 1 revell team, a norco team and one other team who i can't quite remember, might be an ashton team.
  14. Man i wish Trials-Shack was still running, i'd love a press pass and get to meet Ryan Leech. Dates are 6th to the 8th. Think we planning to go on 7th.
  15. Ahahahaha. Thats the funniest shit i've seen in a long time. The chicken thing was a bit to far for me, but the rest was surpremly funny. Amazing, recommend anyone to watch.
  16. As you say yourself, its piczo. I have nothing further to add.
  17. Er, observedtrials is bigger, a lot bigger, and in some respects better, as it doesn't have a thousand 10 year olds who are missing half their keyboards. Anywhom, site isn't bad. I'd have something to say about the navigation being tiny mind, and i don't think you've used the right font. As i very suddenly found out yesterday, typography is a massive key to making a successful site, to the point where i was going to delete the site i was designing all of yesterday, until Alex gave me some pointers on the font, and i'm not trying to complete it with these modifications. Try looking for a grunge font and use image links. Other then that, not bad. Not my style of website, but looks cool either way. Code however. Tables. That's all i'll say on the matter
  18. I watched Fifth Gear last, well, up until 10 minutes before end. I just got up and walked away 10 minutes before as the wankness was that bad. Who the f**k hosts a TV show in a cafe? Its also so blatently scripted, and the script is aweful, so they can't even get away with it. Also, Evo 9 vs Stunt Plane? Hello Top Gear a season or two ago. Fifth Gear is aweful, end of.
  19. S'alright, they'll be like, "f**k, its Pete Wright, quick, make him a custom full carbon trials bike, 'cause he like invented carbon or some shit didn't he?". Thats about how it'll go, right Pete?
  20. Trillo, we aren't taking the piss out of him, its just a bit of fun, much like it is with microsoft, we appreciate what they give, but its just an easy target for piss takes, same with Deng. Anywhom. Anodised chocolate. Anodised condoms, in short or long lengths. Anodised electricity. Anodised oxygen in an anodised container.
  21. My Echo forks weigh 800g? Or am i missing something.
  22. Right, this may seem strange, but in my stupidity, i never took any print screens of Trials-Shack, so now, when it comes to building my portfolio, my feature site is kind of, ghostly. I could try and set-up a local version, but that would take for ever. So yeh, any print screens that for some reason you might of taken and saved. Remember, of the most recent design. Thanking you.
  23. Hes out of intensive care. Woooooooo.
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