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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Nah, that was a Gallardo. They've just upped the stakes to a Murcielago for this years MPH show.
  2. You do realize its only for show, right?
  3. What shite. If you like that, you are either below the age of 14, and therefore it is categorized as cool purely by its stupidity, or believe a Ford Focus handles well, purely because you've never driven another car except for a Reliant. Who cares about that anyway, lets wait for the 07/08 Skyline.
  4. *wave* We sometimes ride Brighton, rode there other weekend infact, so doubt we'll be over again soon. You're welcome to pop over to Worthing though, good shit here.
  5. Simon


    lolz. Video was f**king excellent, loved the change of song and change to editing, excellent stuff. Also liked that it was short, and in actual fact, didn't contain that much riding. Kept me wanting more, rather then over loading me with riding. As for the forum, oh my days. I rekon if Craig posted that he is now eating a chocolate digestive over a normal digestive biscuit, you'd all be like "OH MY GOD, HE'S EATING ANOTHER BISCUIT, CUT MY WRISTS".
  6. Rise Against, the album with "Give It All" on. Evil Nine - Restless Far * East Movement - Round Round Prodigy - You'll be under my wheels The Grits - Ooh Aah Basically songs i listened to from Need For Speed 2 sound track, then download some albums from artists where i liked their songs. Other current niches include chocolate spread sandwhich's.
  7. Nope, i made a habit of riding it rather then measuring it. As for the booster, not a clue as i didn't have one fitted, i had a Onza Carbon one. I didn't purposefully ignore the questions, but i can't answer them if i don't know the answer.
  8. I loved the way my Bonerstock rode personally, not many others did though. I was running a Hope 110x10 stem with Onza T-raptor bars, and yes, its an internal headset, and i had a cane creek one too, and worked perfect. And what, i had a 2.5 michelin on a onza ronnie and had loads of room.
  9. Don't give her the pleasure. Ask to meet somewhere, walk up to her, "shut up, don't talk, listen", hand her a piece of paper with her number on it "i wont need this anymore", "i don't want to see or talk to you again, goodbye", and calmly walk away. Show no emotion. Go forfth and conquer.
  10. Simon

    The Lost Thread

    I believe not. He asked her earlier to fix the roof, if you look, it leaks like a mother f**ker. The lightning i believe was just to see if he could infact predict the future correctly. The others are on another island yeah. What i want to know is how the survivors can't see that island from theres.
  11. I now support: http://www.ie7.com/
  12. I was starting one ages ago, got the start of it done; you could register and login . I did get hold of a post code to lang/lot database though, and the plan was for you to put in your postcode and to see who lived close to you (much like searching for cars on auto trader by distance). Same for riding spots. Was also a calendar to organise rides related to those spots, and people could say they was coming or not etc. Infact, let me find the text file; By the way, this idea for a site wont ever come to light, it will sit partly developed on my hosting along with my other projects. No time, no money. Put it up incase anyone else wants have to have a bash.
  13. The google toolbar does go above the tabs? Anything going below them would defeat the object of the tabs, and hence, i'm sure its impossible to actually put a toolbar below the tabs.
  14. No, he was just saying it would be better if they used IE7 over 6 because of the better support for W3C. Firefox is fine on windows without anything else. I run it with 2 toolbars and its still 100x better then IE would be with 0 toolbars.
  15. Yes, it was pretty blindingly obvious it was a joke, as you admit. We just continued it. Get a sense of humour.
  16. I still think Get3 that was released a few years ago has the most creative and original editing of any video up the present day, and always hoped he'd edit something more. That didn't disappoint. Riding was super mental too.
  17. Yeah, shell are giving me 2 servers with 100tb of bandwidth and paying for it all so i can set-up Trials-Shack again so i can film the launch. I also get full use of the BBC camera team who will be showing the video after it is released on Trials-Shack.
  18. Simon


    People aren't that smart, nor care that much to go to all the effort of using only your ip to send a virus. Partz, 18 is legal, whats wrong with him talking to an 18 year old. I also relise it was a joke, but just saying.
  19. Simon

    The Lost Thread

    Yup, they like doing that. Like the Anne-Lucia eccentric episode, when she pulls up in her car in the car park on top floor, the cars parked opposite had the numbers as their vehice numbers on the roofs, every 2 numbers.
  20. Your country must be poor if you have to use wood for cranks, and then find it funny.
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