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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Simon

    Tf Makeover

    I'm not talking about product pictures. Thats near on impossible without majorly hacking the forum. The forum was designed for discussion, not tell sell stuff and so on, so isn't setup to have stuff like that.
  2. Simon

    Tf Makeover

    Well what do you think needs changing before the skin? Little pictures for the for sale/wanted section i guess...
  3. Simon

    Tf Makeover

    Before anyone goes off suggesting features like a NMC report button or some shit, i do believe Danny is only talking about looks and layout. I think you should Web 2.0-esque it, solid colours, lots of colour, excellent typography, center it around the portal and give people more of a reason to use the news.
  4. Why am i the first person to ask this... ...what the f**k is going on there?
  5. Just be lucky you didn't get the line "i love you on the inside, just not on the outside"... ...basically, you're calling me ugly. I've got the whole "boy friend, not boyfriend" problem too.
  6. Simon


    It would be a lot easier if people could be arsed to put Fs, Wtd, Ot at the start of their god damn topics. Splitting it will make no difference, the quality of the posts will still be as shit, will just mean the shit is spread out over more sections.
  7. Simon

    The Lost Thread

    The whole other island thing, look at my post, you are not thinking outside the box. What if that village was infact on the same survivors island, and the island that they showed to Sawyer was actually another island the survivors havn't seen yet, that would explain the whole first episode were Ben tells those people to run to each side of the island. However, in the episode where they watch the plane crash, it doesn't come towards them, it goes off to the left, in the direction that they showed the island to Sawyer. Above are the reasons its starting to loose its viewer base, its just getting too complicated and too many possibilities all contradicting themself.
  8. It all depends on your point of view. First off, from Newtonian physics, there is nothing that says the train must be stationary at any time during the collision. Instead, physics says that the train must only decelerate as a result of the collision, such that the forces on the fly and the train are equal, as per Newton's 3rd Law, "for every action (force), there is an equal and opposite reaction (force)." Since the forces on the fly and the train are balanced, and since force equals mass times acceleration (Newton's 2nd Law), the negative acceleration (deceleration) of the train is tiny because of its tremendous mass. Actually, the splattering demonstrates that this is a completely inelastic collision, and for any collision, the conservation of energy is the overriding rule - K.E.fly + K.E.train = K.E.fly+train + Esplat (heat energy lost to smooshing the fly) - though the resulting deceleration is still miniscule unless the fly's velocity is sufficiently great to give it significant kinetic energy (K.E. = one half mass times velocity squared). So what about point of view? Well, if the observer is travelling in the train, and the train is travelling at a constant velocity, the observer's frame of reference could be perceived as motionless - after all, the Earth is in constant motion, but our frame of reference is usually defined as fixed. So for the observer on the train, the train is always stopped, until it hits the fly and begins to move backwards. Or, imagine if the observer were travelling alongside the train at a velocity barely less than that of the train. From this reference frame, the train would be moving forward very slowly, until it hit the fly, which caused it to slow to a stop and then reverse. All of this assumes, of course, that the train is coasting along frictionless rails. In reality, the forces of friction require continuous force to be applied to the train to effect constant velocity, such that so small a change in velocity would be quickly compensated by the trains engines' producing slightly more power to maintain velocity. Theoretically, even the smallest deceleration will eventually stop the train. I'm Pete Wright, and i obviously wrote all that off the top of my head, 'cause i'm god, or, i might of used Google to piss on Boons fire.
  9. Simon

    Msn Help!

    For 3 days? How do you know its updating, just a guess? If it was updating, they'd load balance the traffic through other servers, and take the servers that need updating offline. If its a code update, they'll cascade it, so you'll either log into old code, or new code, not inbetween.
  10. Yeah, i knew that, but speed is shit too, who wants a bird to last 5 seconds.
  11. Built for comfort, not pleasure.
  12. Simon

    Msn Help!

    Out of interest, is anyones live mail working? Its completly f**ked for me, i get like 7 links, no styling, and thats it, rest of the page is blank. Also getting told that the server is to busy, or that the mail.live.com isn't part of the windows live network.
  13. delusional. Posted less then 200 wonderful times as far as i can remember.
  14. Shhhhh! They was believing my cover story! Quick, sly edit or magically delete!
  15. Why does whether you ride or not matter? You people take this Senior stuff way to seriously. It doesn't give you some magical powers, except to sly edit and delete your own posts. The extra forum is posted in once a month, and usually just stuff you lot would refrain from posting because its too graphic or out of order, and in such a case, we just post it in Senior Chat.
  16. €90? You must be joking. If i pay over 15 quid for a t-shirt it either has to be super amazingly good, or i'm an idiot.
  17. Yup, mate had one for his iPod, worked fine. It relys on you having a tape player though, which is super old school. I'd just burn loads of MP3 CD's at once. As you can fit like 7 or 8 albums on, sometimes 9 or 10 depending on size and quality, by the time you've listened to whole cd, you don't remember that is now back at the start. Love MP3 CD's, just wish MP3 DVD's would either be incorporated into headunits, or be invented, not sure on status of either either.
  18. Sure they didn't steal your brain matter at the same time? Stop typing like a retard.
  19. I actually thought that was quite good? Nice Joe.
  20. Simon

    Nintendo Wii

    I've decided i'm going to get a HDTV, along with a PS3 and a Wii. PS3 for graphics and crazy hard core games, and the Wii for the pure fun factor and interaction. Now, the funds to see that through...
  21. When we rode there the other weekend they'd moved the gates and shit over. You get kicked out though now, by 2 security guards. They even kicked out the foot runners.
  22. Also, the username is often left blank, then password is 'admin'. Thats how it was for mine anyway.
  23. This may sound stupid, but you have setup wireless right? Sometimes its off by default, and requires you to log into the router and turn it on.
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