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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Have a wank, then going to cut my wrists for the 19th time. Love valentines day, its the best. Makes boyfriends feel pressured into performing, and makes single people feel pressured for being single, hooray.
  2. Ok, so my shoes have a hole in them, and in winter, that isn't such a great thing. So basically, i need new shoes, but i'm after normal shoes, not those pixie boot ones. So, the brief, normal shoes, that wont slip off the pedals, but can also be worn normally. I currently wear etnies, but aren't as wide as normal skating shoes. Went to look at some just now, and they all seem to be wide, maybe when wearing they'll seem thinner though? There was some etnies there with the red m/e logo and laces which i thought looked cool, but then my judgement was clouded when i thought of wearing them clubbing. Maybe i need to buy some other shoes for clubbing, don't know. So yeh, what do you wear, and how do you find the compromise between pedal grip, and daily comfort?
  3. Used same e-mail as your first account?
  4. Indeed, there was some parts i was 100% there wasn't any way of getting out off. Was completly mind blowing. Ah, near the end, the waterfall section, a guy near the top, he sidehops to bash, kind of.
  5. There was a thread asking about this a while back, i'll run it down. You learn way to quick, as its all crammed into that week. Usually, if you do pass, your driving will be very bad, as Tom can verify, along with countless others who have done the intensive course and f**ked up not long after at all. I believe 2 lessons a week is just right. Gives you time to memorize it all, and to not get overloaded with rules, techniques and so on.
  6. Simon

    Big Brother

    Hell f**king yes, she's not just hot, shes beautiful.
  7. 35 hours i believe, thats including the 3 hours i had before each test. I don't believe anyone can say they've had less then 10 hours and passed, unless they had driving time outside of the 10 hours, as there is a lot to learn, and i don't think 10 hours will cut it. 40 is the average for a male, 50 for a female. Had my first accident earlier this mont, which was completly my fault, and wouldn't of crashed if i was trying to be a 'unt, so heh, seems to off done me well.
  8. My hair last night, i thought looked really, really gay, but some girl was 'grinding' me, so it couldn't of been to bad i suppose. Gelled down and across for first 1/3 of it, then rest 2/3 were spiked up. To scared to post pictures.
  9. Simon

    Blue Or Green?

    Nick - "Hey, posted your picture on a 99% male forum with over 5 thousand members, and they want to know the colour of your top" Hottie - "Turquoise." Hottie - "HEH! Wait a second, internet, forum, 5 thousand members?!"
  10. Simon

    Blue Or Green?

    Who is voting Green? Its clearly blue, not inbetween, just plain blue.
  11. Simon

    Big Brother

    Hasn't that footballers wife lost her multi million pound modelling contract? And Jade's perfume or something has been taken of the shelves? What a joke, over some TV program. Glad i stopped watching it.
  12. As always, wixy-ix (WxYxC, don't ask) will be attending. Although a bit far away, just make sure the post is bumped nearer the time.
  13. Simon

    I've Bought....

    He estimates. Nice one Andy, maybe i should wise up and save for a house rather then a fast car that will no doubt kill me.
  14. As i keep saying, i'm pretty sure such a car doesn't exist standard from the factory for public purchase.
  15. The tape is actually front and rear bra's, yes, bra's. Don't really need to explain as its pretty obvious, but its just to stop stone chips, scratching around the door handle when you open close, so on and so forfth. Can get them for a lot of cars now, or have them specially made if one for your car doesn't exist. Are all the rage with euro style cars, mainly golfs.
  16. You missed my post then? Yes, its not much on the bulldog looks of the R34, but its certainly not as bad as that first concept. Will just have to wait until the Japenese unveiling to see it fully finished.
  17. Simon


    "Hello, Apple UK support?" - "Yes sir, how can i help you?" "Ah yes, my iPhone has some issues" - "Your phone which isn't even released here yet has issues?" Plus, i doubt it will even work here, as is it not made for the US, hence not being released here until atleast Oct, because we simply aren't ready for it yet?
  18. If only you was correct. There is also a video of it going round the Nurburgring, sounds immense. http://news.windingroad.com/auto-news/caug...nissan-skyline/ http://www.edmunds.com/insideline/do/Gener...rticleId=117074 http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q...G=Google+Search
  19. Therefor, 99% of this forum with find this pointless?
  20. My friend met his girlfriend of now 10/11 months. Not much exciting happens on our rides, we get some aids ridden drunk women try to spit on us, about it really. And really, she had aids, she was really proud of the fact too.
  21. Simon


    Friend was watching them pre-air in US, so they are 100% available somewhere. Grand Designs is a f**king excellent program, just see'ing peoples dream houses and the mad and crazy ideas they put in, not to mention how much they spend.
  22. Simon


    Yeah, fair enough if he's watched an episode and then says it over hyped, but there is no way you can say the hype is un-justified.
  23. Simon


    Bit of a bold claim...
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