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Everything posted by Simon

  1. You was probably expecting this from me, but the designs aren't very good. They all look like generic OSCommerce layouts with some colours changed and a different banner. Don't get me wrong, fair play for doing it, and super congratulations are in order for actually making good turn over, although unsure of profit, but i think in this day and age a shop needs to be that tad different and stand out from others to properly make it, or have a few (even though i hate to use this term) "Web 2.0" feature-esque features. Fair play though and best of luck.
  2. Simon


    Ok, bad comparison, but isn't kind of a common sense question? Meh, i know what i mean.
  3. This is going to sound really horrible, and i don't intend it to at all, but are you like, good enough for a proper photography job with your own studio? Don't really know how to explain my logic behind my question, but it isn't mean't to be a condecending one, so sorry if it sounds like one. Fair play though, and best of luck.
  4. You phoned up for a half price replacement on a mech and hanger? You f**king what. If you would of done that and got me on the other end of the phone, i would laughed at you, hung up the phone, told me mates, who would of also laughed at you, then joined in laughing at you with them. I can't believe anyone would actually even comprehend asking that, let alone actually doing it.
  5. I'll tell you whats up. Its a shit site.
  6. Simon


    Is this not a bit like asking what the wheels are for on a car?
  7. Simon


    Theres probably more then 3 riders. Take Worthing for instance, theres only 3 of us that post on Trials-Forum, but on a good day there is atleast 5-6 of us, on a big yearly ride theres 11-13 of us.
  8. I don't think he was on the phone while driving, no. Lee just can't read.
  9. They was, but the people that regulate how banks work have gone mad and have started fining banks that do it, and the peoples accounts that got closed have had to be re-opened along with a little balance increase for the huge inconvience of being forced to change banks without any notice at all. No its not, the amount they was charging was, not the charge itself. Think they worked out they should be charging around 3.57 quid or something for all bounced/over-overdraft payments, and that covers the paper and the administration to deal with it. I know people that have got back thousands, as your allowed to claim for the past 6 years.
  10. Why would you only organise it if you get more then 10 yeses? Seems a bit silly to say something like that.
  11. About as alright as my brakes being controlled by infa-red... Its got nothing to do with holding back technological advances, the idea is ludicrous. I'm simply repeating other peoples posts here, but consider this... What do you do about lever pressure?How does the lever know when the pads are returning?How does it adjust for pad wear? (tpa...)Power; batteries, solar, rechargeable phone-esque styleMassive scope for interference, from hundreds of sourcesNot to mention the complexity of it if you actually did consider all these thingsFinally, of course, the price of the end product.Would the price really justify the ability to be using no cables?
  12. Simon

    Bike World Cup

    Thats like me saying... I'm thinking about buying brandshatch and holding peddle go kart races there.
  13. If its of any help, in Flash you can move objects by 0.x of a pixel. 0.x of a pixel doesn't exist. If the lines are placed at 0.x of a pixel then they won't match up to a HTML line at the same px. In HTML, px's are rounded, hence it may look 1px out. Not sure if thats the problem at all, but may be of some use.
  14. 3rd time lucky. Not bad really, especially for night school. I know it was only to show you've paid attention, but you could of used more flash snazzyness, rather then just a fade in rollover. Nice though.
  15. Website crashes my Firefox, and like f**k am i opening IE or using a Mac to view a website.
  16. Pint of milk and a caramac bar. Every work day without fail. I used to drink more milk, but not home often in evenings anymore.
  17. I'd get one, but just the lever. Go on rides, and lock peoples brakes just before they go to sidehop or something, or make their brake unclamp mid setup hop. Awesome.
  18. You, you are 'unt. I hope your girlfriend goes scitzo, and i hope that when you find someone you care about they cheat on you and then just don't care.
  19. Simon

    Caption Comp

    "So yeh, this is the face i pulled when prawn pulled his knob out, cause no word of a lie, it was this big"
  20. Simon

    Gap Years

    Holy shit that house is nice. Bet its the same price as a flat over here as well.
  21. Free parking, and possible deals with camp sites for cheaper camping, or hotels for cheaper rooms and so on. Also, food and drink. Sounds like you got the park dialed, i'm just thinking of other things that would either need to be there, or would be an immense asset.
  22. If we was to be being pedantic, its not, but there we go. Nice site Nick, come a long way from stealing Avenue's site.
  23. Er, Invision Power Board is pretty much 100% secure. Its just you either being a retard with your password, logging in in-front of mates at school, logging in at mates and not logging out, or people using your account at your house while your going for a shit.
  24. Well, i stumbled through high school, when i had my careers interview, my choices were very varied, either a mechanic, or something with computers haha. I came out the other end with 4 b's, 1 c, 3 d's (one of them being maths), and the rest F's and E's. Somehow got a place at Chichester college doing a computing course. Turned out to be completely shit, and this is where i discovered my flare for web site design and development, so went onto do E-Commerce at a local college. Got a Pass at that, which was 2 C's, and started on the HND in Computing. It became pretty apparent, very quickly that it wasn't my game at all. It was 90% computing bollocks, and 10% what i actually wanted to do. I had been subscribing to a niche job sector website called wiredsussex.com, and a job came up in Brighton the week i had my driving test. Driving license or not, i applied, and the day after passing my test i got a phone call to come in for an interview. On getting the job, needless to say, i promptly left college. Was made redundant after 7 months there, got in debt, en-rolled on job seekers, and 3 months later got a job where i am now. The whole point i hope atleast one person has got, is its not all about what college you went to, what degree you have got, its sometimes about pure desire and passion towards a job that will get you to where you want to go. I'm not saying you can do it for every type of job, probably only about 5-6% of jobs can work like this, and in no way is it easy. Its been a hard journey, with a lot of cursing, and a lot of un-happy times, and doubt more to come, as my life in the real world is still at its extreme infancy. This does however rely on you knowing what you actually want to do, but as i said, i didn't know until i was already in my first year of college. Kind of like any other job, but because the need isn't great, there isn't that many job numbers to start of with. It is also a very niche thing, but i always see advertisements for graphic designers about, although mainly web related as that's what my searches and job websites cover. However, a warning, expect to start on a very low wage. In new media, you have to work your way, and prove yourself. 90% don't care what you learnt through education, they will care what your portfolio says, who you are as a person, and what style you design to.
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