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Everything posted by Simon

  1. "Heres a 2 million pound record contract deal" "No thanks, we'll stick with our 100k so our fans don't think we are selling out"
  2. Simon

    Police Info

    What, no one has said 20" bikes are exempt. Its complete rambles. Read my post, i quoted what the law says.
  3. Me? A hypocrit? Please explain. Start trusting her? Let her go out with her mates, train yourself to trust in her. I know what you mean, i'm the same, you just have to fight the urge to be super protective, as thats not someone you want to be. Having seen it happen day in day out with one of my mates, and the consequences when one steps over the line the other has drawn without the other actually knowing, it gets messy, very messy. Learn to trust, or learn to dump, and move on.
  4. *sigh* Sure, its a f**king stupid thing to do to punch someone in your sleep, but don't start lecturing him to stop drinking. You need to stop having such an abismall view on life Smo, it seems anything that is remotely fun, or remotely dangerous is like, "OH MY DAYS?! can't do that, this might happen, or this, maybe this". I can whole heartidly imagine you getting your Pulsar then driving at 30 everywhere (for an example of my point above). Anywhom, punching people in sleep is a very bad thing, and personally, i'd enquire more about it to people that actually know, ie, doctors, as its something i wouldn't take half hearted, especially as it could escelate very quickly.
  5. Sweden or somewhere like that. Good photo's. Can see why hes done it, but in 1 or 2 he's gone to far out.
  6. You had 1300 to burn, and bought a overpriced Koxx, of all bikes? Should of invested it. I'm saying this on the assumption you already have a bike by the way, if you didn't, then ok.
  7. For atleast 3 hours?! Hold the press guys, a full 3 hours! Holy christ!
  8. Ahahahahah, and i thought i was a light weight. How cute.
  9. True. Was quite mad how you knew from the distance you flew that you'd land on like a 10ft (in scale to Sonic ) bit of land ontop of lava. You really did play that to much.
  10. What the f**k, this is a thread about sonic the f**king headgehog, how can you be racist for f**k sake?! f**k sake Si, get over yourself, its not cool to be a racist 'unt, and certainly wont get any respect from 99% of this forum, stop being such an ignorant and narrow minded "so and so" and grow up. PS, except for that, i think your a sound-ish person, so i removed the nasty words. Harsh? Care, its been on everyones lips for the past 2 odd months. JT, i was like, "wtf" after the 3rd level, or 3rd act, the different sections where all 1st act, so didn't really know where you was, but fair play. Turned it off after 5-6 minutes as it got rather boring. Plus, you missed rings you clearly could of got, and wasted loads by hitting lots of spikes.
  11. I think the only way it can change is with dedicated people validating people. Not moderators, nor admins, just a team of validators who trawl NMC for the good poster. They also don't have the power to de-validated, as that comes down to a moderator or admin. Thats the only possible change i can see helping. This change has also already been discussed. Tom is moving or something, and Danny is work busy, but when Tom gets back theres a few new things that may help being rolled out, so maybe a validation team will be one of them.
  12. Hello Alienware... oh wait. PC's do look f**king sweet though, and sounds like they've actually put some kind of thought process into the branding and product design.
  13. Simon

    The Lost Thread

    Holy shit, 2 massive story twists and one massive sign of hope. Awesome episode, and awesome way to signify the half way mark of the season.
  14. I can't actually believe you are seriously considering this... Your in fooking year 10, think about getting drunk, laying every girl in year 11, college partys, lads weekends away in Newquay for a massive piss up. I'm not even going to consider moving out until i'm atleast 21, and i've worked out, if i want to have any standard of living, ie, not be super poor each and every month, i'd need to be earning atleast 18k a year, end of. Is this a joke? Seriously?
  15. Unstable? Had mine for almost a year now, if not more, and its not crashed once. Its a bit slow and has to catch up sometimes, but that's only because I'm a text/phone nerd and know where most stuff is so click really quick to get there.
  16. Simon

    Car Fans

    Mini's look crap as standard. Not even sure why you've put that in this thread, doesn't really compare to anything.
  17. How do you intend on getting them sponsors? Just seems a little far fetched that such big company's would sponsor a bicycle club. What will this club do then, as a general club, and as a club that has them sponsors?
  18. Haha, so true. Although i'd only add someone who lives within 50-60 miles, hence the deletion of some random American girl that added me. I say it in a future sense because no one except that American girl has randomly added me.
  19. Simon

    Police Info

    Welcome to 10 posts ago Chris.
  20. Which is why i hated it before, and still do. I don't really have an interest in having a 15 year old male from nottingham on my list, who i wont ever meet, nor have any contact with. Thats more what i was getting at.
  21. Simon

    Police Info

    No where says anything about frame sizes, atleast, not that i could see. I can't find anywhere that has a full copy of The Highways Act 1835 to fully check though, but the 1980 one doesn't say anything about frame sizes, and nor can i find any updates to either acts, or any related act mentioning frame sizes. It is just age, as far as i can see.
  22. Haha, what a shit driver, can happily put his foot to the floor but doesn't have a clue about braking distances at different speeds in his car. He deserved to crash for being so retarded, dislike people that think going fast is all about putting your foot down and going in a straight line.
  23. Simon

    Police Info

    Take note kids. By the way, Rob, instead of spending my time thinking of colourful words to throw at you, i actually looked into this. I've now read a fair chunk of around 6 legislations that may shed light on the subject. I found an awesome website that pretty much answers every single one of your questions, but for the lesser able amongst us, i've extracted a few important sections. To sum up, the website has again done it for me, kinda annoyed i spent near on an hour looking through fooking wank goverment websites which are no help at all.
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