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Everything posted by Simon

  1. What? If he's told you stuff like that, why do you then feel the need to tell everyone he has done so? What does it actually achieve? "ner ner ner, look what i have and you don't". Christ dude, should of just kept quiet, like Deng apparently told you to do in the first place anyway! Seriously, why does it even matter so much to people. I certainly couldn't give a shit.
  2. It'll be for a piece of furniture Brendan is designing and building himself no doubt.
  3. Huh? Add him to MSN and do what? Why does everyone new person to trials want to add every single other rider to MSN? And what the hell, there all Zhi's?
  4. Simon

    Big Bro Tonight.

    I'll watch the start purely to see the house, as it looks f**king cool!
  5. Simon

    What's Your Job?

    Junior website developer. People design the sites, i make them work. If you don't get it, think of a car, todge designs it, make sure it all works together, where the buttons go inside, door handles, then i make the car, fit the engine, make sure the engine ties in with the buttons, make sure the headlights work when you tell them too, etc.
  6. 1. Sam Jones 2. Bigman 3. Trials Commentator 4. Ash-kennard 5. Ghetto Rider 6. fugigas 7. monkeyseemonkeydo 8. Scopse 9. Quakers 10. Davenorfolk 11. Davetrials 12. Mission_Reefer_Rider 13. TeamWarRider 14. Derf 15. dan_cpu 16. Chris Abbey 17. Mike Crowther 18. Adam bessell 19. Danny Kearns 20. Chris Walford 21. john shrewsbury 22. riley 23. Pedrosa J 24. Lushey (NMC) 25. Ben Jones 26. Nick Manning + gf 27. Matt Burrows 28. Sam "Samwell" Hewitt 29. Joe Elding 30. Mark Westlake 31. Tom Chilvers 32. Tim Arnold 33. T-limburn 34. Sheringham_trials 35. Ross Gardner 36. Martin Grainger 37. Joe White 38. Oli Lewis 39. gr8grumble 40. tim h 41. tomj (nmc) 42. Michael Singleton 43. Prawny Baby 44. Prawny Babys Baby 45. Paul Oliver 46. George Seamons 47. Jonny Jones 48. Dan Jones 49. mowgli 50. adamgriffin3-if iv got my BB by then lol 51. James Porter 52. Jack Harmer (harmertrials) 53. Callum stickland (uniboy) 54. titty boy 56. lil marc 56.5-ben buckett 57.new bike 58. Phil Williams 59. mike carlin (sexymike) 60. Cj lang 61. Joe Baxter 62. Joe Rothwell 63. Simon 64. Brendan
  7. i'll reply tomorrow, but i voted yes. will expand tomorrow/today.
  8. ahahaha,if your relying on youwank, then i might aswell take that mars bar now.
  9. ahahaha your all shit at pron porn yeh,m that one. f**king, if you've not found the porn version of youtube yet, you dont deserive to live. i'll give you a clue, replace you, with x. losers.
  10. Man, rat style cars can not be shiny, at all. If it is shiny, it needs to be cream or brown/leather colour.
  11. Simon

    The Lost Thread

    If Naomi wasn't who she said she was, and there not getting rescued by that boat, what happens now? Do they now attack and the others and the survivors now have to team up to defeat a common enemy? Did anyone actually listen to Kate and Jacks conversation by the way? "We need to stop lying", Jack said. What did he mean about that? Did they get off the island a certain way, but then told the media another, to hide what they did? Who's funeral was it, and why did it trigger Jack to go all suicidal and then speak to Kate again? Walt? Man, not even going to go there, seriously, what the f**k.
  12. Unless you really want to go onto bigger and better things, its really not worth the effort, as it really is effort. I only managed it on Trials-Shack after a good few weeks, and even then it was rickety at best. Its come a long way since i did it though, and there might even be scripts available to do it, which is kind of a kick in the nuts for me, but bonus for you. As for site, its pretty good actually, still think the tiny view port ruins it though.
  13. Simon

    Biff Latest Video.

    Oh wo, just read my post again, i wasn't actually calling the video crappy, just the concept. Also, why do you keep posting on Kyles account? If you've been banned, do you really think its wise risking Kyles account to be banned as well?
  14. Simon

    Biff Latest Video.

    Next time, wait a b*****d few days and just release a whole video? Crappy teaser videos are shit, can people please stop doing it? If you want to wait to release a video because you want extra footage, then bloody wait, what is that extra 8-9 days going to do? Never have understood "teaser" videos except for DVD and produced videos (island style for example).
  15. Simon

    Cya In Two Weeks!

    I'm glad some people are replying with proper arguments and engaging my thoughts and opinions rather then just calling me a moody b*****d. Its not all about money, not at all. I'm not at all against him going now, as i keep saying, i commend him for doing this, i don't know, maybe i just think its a massive waste of emotional involvement, as well as a financial burden. I'm purely giving my opinion on the whole picture, not this one trip. Good question about free flights and accommodation, but if they was free then my view on a lot of things would be different, and yes, possibly this. Its just such a financial out lay, and i honestly don't think any women is worth that amount of debt if you've not gone through rough times, good times, and indifferent times before. If they had been having a local relationship before for a year or two, then again, my opinion wouldn't be what it is. Fair point, however, no one would ever consider driving such a distance, hell, people fly in land in the UK, and thats only for 600 miles. Also, i'm not comparing the financial costs with financial costs of similar transports, i'm comparing it with a similar local relationship. I'll bring in an old relationship of mine, and will be in the same financial situation, ie, earning 220 quid a month. Right, a train ticket, 35 quid, to allow for any other money issues (tube fares, not included train routes, food, drink, presents) i'd take 50 with me. That was once every two weeks, or 2 weeks in a row, then other week, so that's 150 quid in one month on 3 meets. I would like to add at this point the emotional issues involved with this. At the time the partner was going through a rough patch due to various things, and that was why i went two weeks in a row, the gap was then caused by me simply not having enough money and having to wait till next pay day (i got paid every 2 weeks at the time) to visit again. During this time there was countless times where i felt detached, and simply helpless. I'll happily admit i need more physical and emotional involvement then most, but that feeling is the worst, and nothing will prepare you for that. Now compare this to america. I did a quick search for a flight to Miami, as i'm useless with american states and east/west coast citys. Cheapest was 300 quid return, and did include taxs and fee's. I'll admit, i was expecting more 500-600, but that price was for start of december. May/July prices were more 450-500. Relationships and life don't pause for off and on peak people... Also have to consider the fact that this is a two week affair, not a 1 day back for dinner jobbie, so more allowances for food, expenses and so on have to be made. I think the only pro here is that if you see her for two weeks at a time, you may not be inclined to go for another 2, or maybe 4. Not to mention these were booking way in advance. You can't plan book emotions in advance. This is more the point i'm trying to make. Sure, work your arse off to afford a plane ticket every month or every 6 weeks, but that wont at all compare to the emotional expenditure. Hell yeah, i'd love to visit the states, hopefully going for my 21st as i'm trying to make it a big one. I'd happily move over to america as well, infact i'd love to, but again, people seems to think we live in a fluffy white land with no borders, no price tags, and no forms to sign. Immigrating has never been easy, nor a cheap affair. But i don't often live my life like that, but what we are talking about isn't a simple "what if", its a major thing, not just the tip of the iceburg stuff, this is the 500m base below. Not entirely sure why i'm replying here, as i certainly don't want anyone to feel like i'm trying to talk JT out of continuing or something, guess my opinion is just strong here.
  16. Simon

    Cya In Two Weeks!

    What? If you'd look past my MSN name and stereotype i have, maybe you'd read my post properly and see i'm actually trying to engage in a proper conversation, and have actually backed up my reasoning for thinking this isn't such a great idea. I never said it wasn't a great life experience, i commend him for doing, but some people seem to think we live in a world where houses cost a months wages and that jobs grow on trees, that plane tickets are the same price as train tickets, and that you can just walk into Gatwick airport, buy a ticket, and catch the 10 to 7am plane to America and be back in time for dinner. You may think i'm taking the pessimistic view, and i would usually agree, but on this occasion, i really am not, i just am being realistic when everyone else is in fairy land or something. Sure enough, same country long distance, but another country, let alone america? Come on people...
  17. Looked cool. Man, who said that model wasn't as hot as those pictures of her. If anything, she looks better then those pictures!
  18. Simon

    Cya In Two Weeks!

    My opinion is very strong, so either take it and reply with counter arguments, or don't reply at all. I can't be bothered with simple one line replies calling me a pessimistic so and so, or what ever else you lot usually come up. I know JT has left, or has he? Didn't really read past the first few sentences, but i'm thinking the same. What? I think some people are living in a dream land here. This ain't no fairy tale disney land film. Plane tickets cost money, extreme amounts of money, not to mention all the other costs involved here. Also, i'm not just talking cold hard cash, i'm talking about emotional costs. What happens when shes crying her eyes out about the loss of a friend... "Yeh, er, heres an msn hug, and i'll give you a belated hug in 5 weeks when i can afford the 400-500 quid plane ticket". How about when she wins a prize at her local, i don't know, basketball club? "yeh, well done, thats really awesome". Yeh, nice text emotions there... she'll get more of an emotional response from one of her pets thats actually there, breathing, pushing the air around her, sadly. Sure, meet someone 3-4 hours, maybe more away, catch the train every other week, odd few days during holidays, long meet-up weekends away, but we are talking about america here, no relationship no matter how amazing can survive if its initial start-up is that far away. Can't exactly just hop on the train to america for 35 quid a pop. Fine, married for 3 years then have to spend 6 months in another country for a job, but not a relationship at 19/20 years of age thats just started. Relationships need emotion, feeling, and whole lot of other things that just can't be 'put on hold until i can book my flight' to start off from and build a solid base to expand. No doubt people will come back complaining about "living the dream", or "atleast hes trying" etc etc, blah f**king blah, thats not what i'm getting at here. Either way, i understood this is a bit, "wtf", but i do wish you the most sincere of good lucks. Hell, maybe you'll prove me wrong.
  19. Seriously, super props for getting so far. I remember when you was building rims for a tenner in your spare time, to having a wheel building site, and now to this with all the steps in between. Major respect for you guys trying to make it, and succeeding. Looks super awesome and very professionally laid out and stuff, good stuff.
  20. Simon

    French Cars

    Sorry Dave, remind us what car you drive? Oh hold on...
  21. Simon

    The Lost Thread

    Holy crap! Has anyone read the spoiler list for the season finale? Holy christ, its a good-un! People are describing it as changing the way people think about Lost, and the way they think it could end. If you can deal with spoilers, read it. Very big spoiler though, still leaves a lot unanswered, but it is a very big spoil, given the size of the build-up. Can't wait for next Thursday now.
  22. Simon

    French Cars

    That is what i was getting at Fred.
  23. Simon

    French Cars

    Hot hatch? Cold f**king chicken more like.
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