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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Simon


    Not at all, then more people would believe it. The way people think. Not watched it, nor am i going to, but the 9/11 short change one was super interesting, but this one just sounds a bit far fetched and not as well articulated as the 9/11 one.
  2. He also hasn't actually been banned yet...
  3. Its not that we care that much at all, really. When they noticed, was like 'meh, maybe we should do something'. I think at the end of the day, you signed in using someone else's account and posted knowing full well you was banned, and as Tomm said, its a bit like 'haha, f**k off' to people that run tf. If your banned from driving, you don't get into someone else's car and drive that and get away with it simply because it isn't your car...
  4. Simon

    First Car Wtf

    306 D-turbo. Super cheap to buy, super cheap to insure (same group as 1.4 petrol, group 5) and even cheaper to run. Plus they run for fooking ages, easily hit 200k miles with more to give. Look at other topics on here too, been asked and discussed a few times.
  5. Simon


    That little girl should of won, queen would of much rather met her then the opera guy, plus, that girls voice was amazing considering she was 6.
  6. The only reason anyone could want that, is to test websites in Safari without finding a Mac to test it on. When i next cut-up a website i'll no doubt be downloading this and saving myself a lot of hassle and effort. For anyone else, it'll be a shit browsing experience. If you don't have flash/website plug-in, safari will crash, on vista it doesn't display bold text, etc etc. Its a developers browsers, not a users browsers, which is kind of sad really, but awesome for people like me.
  7. 175 for days work is a bit steep. Unless they've got atleast 3-4 years experience. I for example would charge about 100 a day, but i would charge a set rate as i find it easier. Entirely depends on what client/project you get. I've got both easy projects as well as pretty intensive ones, also got long ones and i've just been given my own, well, joint project which is internal, and if it f**ks up, i die, basically. Good line of work though, super relaxed, good pay if you know what your doing and where to work and often some good people.
  8. Simon

    What's Your Job?

    Who you work for, or you freelance? Got a site for either? Always interested in looking at other peoples work.
  9. Simon

    What's Your Job?

    So you do what exactly?
  10. By the sounds of it they might be out of stock of grips in December.
  11. The black and white Civic was on the Autoglym stand at JTS, fooking awesome car, and mostly carbon from what i remember. That Morgan thing is actually one car as far as i'm aware, there was a thread about it somewhere. I think the big give away was the wheelbase and the roof line.
  12. Right on the money. I've never worked with IPB, but as far as i'm aware, what your suggesting isn't at all possible.
  13. Simon


    Every time you shuffled, the top 3 or 4 cards always end up on top. People must be super pissed to not work that out.
  14. Simon

    My Workshop

    Summers getting into full swing, probably the hottest in a long time, as usual, and you build a workshop in the green house?
  15. That was you?! Man, well didn't realise.
  16. Awesome ride! I rode a bit... I'm super, super sunburnt. Going to be a f**king shit night sleep tonight. Good to see people. Was riding the white BT 7.0 for anyone who cares.
  17. We are hopefully leaving about 9, so we'll be super on time. Man, thats in a few hours. Amazing. Be good to catch up with people, as lets face it, i doubt i'll be riding, especially considering how very drunk i am at this moment in time.
  18. No, thats "i really want sex, better compliment" on his nose.
  19. No. Not sure why you think they'll need spacers either? If its a 106, and there 106 designed wheels, they'll fit. Its only when you get wheels from another model/car that spacers and offset become issues to deal with.
  20. Simon

    Big Bro Tonight.

    I fully agree, don't get me wrong. But if the average Joe went in, it wouldn't really be that amazing. Given the first 1 or 2 years it was average people with some not so average ones, but that wont pull the ratings now, we've seen that. They have to try and out do the previous year or it simply will fall flat on its arse. I wasn't going to watch it, but with all those women, i probably now will (atleast more then i was planning too). Mainly for wanking material , but thats 1 more viewer they've now gained, and i doubt they've really lost any either, except the super feminist's, but lets face it, they wouldn't watch it anyway as there in tree's saving the vagina or something. Not picking on you Matt by the way just thought i'd make this point.
  21. Heavily drinking Friday night, as usually ( ) so may be delayed. No change to last year though i guess, being 6 hours late and arriving when pretty much everyone was leaving.
  22. Simon

    Big Bro Tonight.

    Amen! PS, everyone who says how shit it is, i think this thread proves it media success. You all hate it yet still watch it. There was a few decent films on, yet you watched, as Davina put it, 11/12 housemates walk from a car into a house.
  23. Simon

    Big Bro Tonight.

    That girl in the blue dress, she is so awesome! Bit up her self, but 100% my favourite girl in there. Man, how much would i love to be that guy on Friday! Pick of the bunch or what.
  24. Simon

    Big Bro Tonight.

    Man, how good looking is Davina? Cor. Looks a lot better without a kid brewing. Man, how f**king cool is that house! Awesome!
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