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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Simon

    f**ks Sake.

    Tyres are getting replaced when everything gets aligned, didn't see the point in getting new tyres then in 3 weeks time getting everything re-aligned again.
  2. Simon

    f**ks Sake.

    Yes. R888's are 180 a corner for an RX7, and they are arguably the best dry road tyre available, how you spend 200 quid a corner, or could, is madness. Ask anyone about Goodyear F1's, you'll get the same response, and for my size they are 35 a corner.
  3. Simon

    f**ks Sake.

    35 quid is actually the best tyre, Goodyear F1's. S'all good though, my tyres are nearly at legal limit but they'll be replaced with new suspension so it all ties together, but yeh, 35 quid is what their priced at, guess its cause its a standard 15 inch tyre and not some odd size.
  4. Today! S'waiting for me at home already downloaded.
  5. Simon

    f**ks Sake.

    What the f**k. I'm not, not buying tyres for the fun of it, i'm not buying because i can't afford them at the moment, what on earth makes them think fining people that much will help, if i can't afford 35 quid a tyre how will i afford 2500. Police are so so so silly. Nice to see you got in at the lower end of the punishment then.
  6. Awesome, that's good to hear, can only hope things progress even more which i'm sure they will. Ok then, another probing question, how many items have you sold to date then? Not receipts, items. (sprung from the Tomm being the first buyer) I'm so nosy but am generally interested in your progression, s'good to see from your humble beginnings of building wheels for 10 quid a pop on some monster Park tool wheel stand.
  7. Simon

    f**ks Sake.

    195 quid? f**k, i best get my front two tyres sorted.
  8. ? What the f**k. I can't even begin to comprehend how you are actually believing in the replies you are writing, as they are so, so stupid.
  9. Simon


    If 6 pages of people thought that, maybe thats how it came across...?
  10. Simon

    Just Some Fun

    Would be 100x better if you cut the mirror frame out of the over layed bit, so the cracks don't go over it so it clearly looks you've just placed it over the top. Cool idea though.
  11. I tell you what i'd love to know, their turn over and what Adam, Stan and Ali take home, as in, is it full blown business now paying proper wages and earning good money or is still in early garage stages where each of them still need other jobs to keep going? Its really nosy so i wont ask, and i probably wouldn't get told but it really is amazing how far they've come in a relatively short period of time. Best of luck Dave.
  12. You say that like everyone should know who those people are? Congratulations.
  13. Apple sours are funny, when people get shots me and a friend order two otherwise its pointless, he downs the bottle when we are at house partys.
  14. I drink girls drinks, and i honestly couldn't give a shit what people say, it gets me drunk for cheap, plus the adverts are geared towards men (wkd). Just never liked beer, ever, tried some strawberry cider or some shit, was alright until i downed a pint as we was leaving...
  15. 3 weeks, 2.5 tonnes of playdough, 40 animators.
  16. My night was shit too, left the bar at just after midnight, what a load of shit.
  17. A month is quite a lot, usually its only a week at a time they'll do it i think.
  18. What the f**k, give him a chance! Jesus.
  19. Simon

    New Drivers

    Er, you do realise vans are more to insure then cars? They are at higher risk for theft and break in's, plus their commercial so will be doing more miles, in the eyes of insurance anyway. 3 - 3.5k? Whats the point? Even 2300 for a van i see as a bit stupid. Just throwing money away for the sake of it, get a shite car for a year then look at moving up the car ladder.
  20. Correct. Can go for 2gb/20gb for peace of mind but my cudgel.co.uk is 10gb bandwidth i think, never even come close, although i've not hosted videos, i've got a lot of images on there. I lie, i've got 30gb but i've never touched 10 yet.
  21. If your hosting else where i doubt you'll go over the 1gb/10gb one. Wordpress is piss easy to install without any control panel so i wouldn't worry about that.
  22. Simon

    New Drivers

    Huh, how is it insurance fraud? They gave him legit insurance based on a price he gave them? I don't see whats wrong about that? Not his fault if they can't tell a photoshop? As for not paying when/if the person crashes, why? "Er yeh, he gave us a made up quote so we aren't paying". "And thats the claimees problem how? you are the retards, not him, pay". Simple.
  23. Branding is awesome, nice one. Think the website could do with a bit more work though, don't know, just a looks bit under par to what your clearly capable off. Although that maybe the look your going for, looks a bit informal too, although again, could be the look your going for. Was going to ask where you wanted to go with this but just read your bio. Best of luck.
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