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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I genuinely hope it works out for him. Me and him are in the same situations, not to blow my own trumpet but i really do believe me and my best mate are sound people, we've never cheated, never f**ked people around, given ex's space, comfort them, buy them stuff, take them out and we've both had it thrown in our faces. He came out of a intense 2 year relationship a while back and has basically had the same experience as me, therefore i do genuinely hope it goes somewhere for them. Don't get me wrong, the whole them not working is also a factor which i'd like to see, (a whole lot less then it working though!), but what would it achieve? Nothing, put me and him back in the same position as we have been for past 3 or 4 years, expect with more bad experiences to cloud our judgment and keep us thinking "why bother". I want it to work for them, even it puts me back into manic depression for another few weeks, i'm used to it and i'll get over it soon enough, i have in the past and my string of endless bad experiences has in a way helped this blow.
  2. No reason for post, i just need to vent as its majorly depressing me. Saturday night was going shit so me and a few mates left to go to some house party, we got there quite late so it was pretty much dieing down. Met the few people that were left, including this one stunning girl. Like, completely my taste in women. Anyway, night went on and she got cold so went and got a duvet, i commented on what an awesome idea that was and i was promptly invited under. Everyone was still in room including my best mate who i'd gone out with who was ready to leave. By this time the girl was laying on me and holding my hand that was free as my other was supporting her head on my chest. We talked for a long time and later on we was left together as others went to sleep, we was up talking for another hour atleast, laughing at each others jokes, conversation flowing freely with no pauses. We finally got to sleep about 4-5am. During this time we was doing basically what couples do, holding hands, arm stroking, my hand on her chest, blah blah, you get the picture. So morning came and she couldn't stop smiling at me, we was both quite tired so we again slept some more, her in my arms again. We was both of course sober by this time so i actually thought more of it then a drunken experience. More usual couple stuff ensued and again, every time i looked at her she was smiling at me, we was play fighting as well a little, her doing the cute "i'll hide under the covers" jobby. Anyway, time came to walk home and we said our goodbyes, i asked to meet up and she was happy to. In her drunken state she gave me a completely f**ked number but word filtered through to her that i quite liked her and she text me. Her first text was basically to tell me straight that she'd learnt that my best mate liked her and that she'd like my best mate for a long time... Story of my life. I'm not sure what i feel? Obsolete, replaced, used? Seriously though, any girls that are still left on the forum, why? They are meeting up Sunday and no doubt him being in the same situation as me, single and actively looking for a relationship, and her having such an amazing personality and so good looking will hit it off.
  3. 5-10bhp, which lets face it in these cars will not cost you 3 places on the grid... I'm glad Lewis has said he doesn't want to win that way, and has said he thinks it would be a stupid decision to make for the sport. Wants his driving to do the talking, legend.
  4. I would of posted in here last night, but you know, i didn't stay at my house last night. Started as yet another shit night, nothing seems to be able to compare to the atmosphere of Newquay, so annoying, but went to a small gathering at a mates after and met the most amazing girl ever, stayed with her all night, got no sleep as she took up all the bloody sofa! Needed a good night.
  5. To be fair, it sounds like you know completely nothing about back end development, so my first question would be to ask why you said you would do it? What you want to do is really simple, for someone that knows how to use PHP and how to use MySQL, but for someone who can't get data from a database it would take weeks to learn. I'm answering it like this because there isn't a simple answer to your question, what your asking is basically how to do a complete site. Only thing i can suggest is picking up a PHP/MySQL book or downloading one, opening up the php.net manual and just play.
  6. I just think most people completely under estimate the power of the internet and what the look and functionality of a site can do to a companies reputation and to help enhance there overall presence; to turn hits into sales. Branding isn't just about paper and presentations to clients, it also has to involve the website, and i just hope some people will learn to take more care over their websites, thats why i can be found to 'rip' into websites, but in 99% of cases i'll explain myself and suggest alternatives. Meh, i said i like the functionality but i still believe as i have from the start that the sites image and usability leaves a little to be desired, but you're getting there.
  7. Nice. Can appreciate the logistics off this maybe more then others so nice one to Dave C for sorting it, he is progressing well from the early days of Tartybikes it seems.
  8. Thats only because of rounding, not because of shit quality or what ever, same with any hard drive ever sold. As for the memory stick, sounds f**ked, you showing hidden folders and stuff? usually its only 10-20mb you lose on a memory stick.
  9. Simon


    Whatever, but whats the point in this thread? This isn't an email inbox, nor are we your address list, take your shit spam else where, thought it was bad enough getting "Add your name to list to cure the world!" in my inbox, let alone on a forum. No, i've not seen the video, nor do i intend to.
  10. Well it clearly did work, she doesn't want to be with you so why keep following her? Just makes you look silly.
  11. To be honest, i'm bollocksed with being nice. Stop talking like none of us have been there, your 16, you've experienced shit all, hell, i doubt you even know what real love is, you've become obsessed and its blinding you. We are all telling you this because i have no doubt that 90% of us have been there, more then once, and other experiences to add as well. For the love of god take our advice, you, sadly, know nothing, stop speaking like you are the only one thats lost someone. Your 16, live your life, go down the park and get drunk, dare each other to jump the river, see who can climb up the tree the highest, what ever, do as a teenage does and stop getting involved. Hold on, just read the post above... Shut the f**k up, seriously, the shite she's put you through? Have you ever stopped to think how the hell she feels, pressured into a relationship she clearly doesn't want at this time, and making her feel bad because your crying your eyes because shes interacting with other human beings. Sorry, but you've made me angry, you are so blinded by obsession its untrue!
  12. Its so you can have one account across many sites, in theory you could have one login for every forum on the planet run by Invision, thats the idea anyway. So yeh, login here and you can login on BMX-Forum without having to sign up again etc.
  13. Friends moving to Canada next year, took him 13 months to get his Visa, and Canada is a lot easier to get into then America. Personally, i'd apply now, by the time you've made a proper decision you'll have the ability to go over there if you so please. Personally, i think its silly moving country for a girl you met over the internet, and as does by the looks of it this whole thread, so maybe have a proper think about this. For example, think about it unbiasedly, take the girl out of the equation, what happens then? You are in an alien country, unfamiliar, not knowing hardly anyone. What happens if you need a job, where do you go to find that job, personally, i know where the nearest job center is, i know the local hotspot for shit evening jobs if i get stuck, i know the local websites address for this area to find accommodation if i so need, i know the local fuel stations, i know how to get to the countys shopping mall, i know how to get to the capital. Its little things here that you've just become accustom to knowing, but when you lose that, its a lot more to deal with then you might think. Also, i'm not randomly trying to put you off without doing my research, but my mum maybe moving away and i wont be going with her and one of the options i considered was Canada, and infact still am, its a hard decision and one with so many avenues to think about and contemplate. I for one wont be moving without having a job where i'll be moving to, one it helps you get into the country, infact if i get a job in Canada i can be over there in a few months. Meh, not sure what i'm trying to see, but just take the girl out of this decision then go through the options and reasons, hell, draw a brain storm, make a for/against diagram, this is a serious decision and shouldn't just be taken because you know some girl over there, personally. *waits for Bongo to abuse no doubt* Don't get me wrong, i'd love for you to move and it all be roses, fluffy white clouds and red hearts, but this is the real world, we are tied down by paper work, official laws and procedures that make things not so fairy dust like. PS, have i already replied in here? haha, if i have, sorry.
  14. No offense, but you don't know nothing, you are, as you say, only 16, you don't know perfect as you've not been around long enough, or experienced enough to what perfect is. Let it go, enjoy your childhood and actually give a shit about a relationship when your older and wiser.
  15. Hello restraining order, how are you?
  16. 2400? f**k that. I wouldn't pay over 1500 for a first car on insurance, completely not worth it. For the year and a half i had my 306 i was under my dads name for 330 quid a year, no i didn't get NCB but it mean't by the time i got my VTi which is a group 16 car i can insure it for 1240 TPFT, its only TPFT because the car isn't worth insuring as fully comp yet. Get a real shitter or go through parents and don't just pay 2k for insurance because you want NCB or what ever, for me at least it worked out cheaper to go under my dads for first part of my driving life. Also, insurance goes down substantially after 2 years of driving, and i do mean a lot, in my case it was over half.
  17. A long story spanning around 7 years, but can be summed up in 2 words. Pete Wright.
  18. Wo! Thats mental, what an awesome selling feature though. Bet its a b*****d to filter though.
  19. Simon

    Random Poll

    Why? Just... why.
  20. Simon

    f**ks Sake.

    About 8/10 of people on the Civic forum recommend F1's, about half of those had Proxies, Prada's and Pirelli's, all said the F1's was better. There may well be better dry weather tyre's out there but in 99% of those cases they are scary in the wet, with winter coming up i wanted a compromise.
  21. Yes, but theres a point where it gets scary and by the looks of it you've already crossed that. Give her space, still speak to her but try to keep the compliments to a minimum, if any, but don't be horrible to her.
  22. Oh man! I'm glad someone said it and i've never even seen you two together!
  23. Did not see that possible ending coming...
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