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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Having just looked at his spec, when i'm done with the chassis, yeah it will be. Oops, forgot this was VW thread, now leaving.
  2. I wont make bets, but i can 100% guaranty it'll surprise you. Would love a track day, i'm doing a few with Honda's On Track next year, but i won't be going near a track until my car is properly sorted and setup, which is a few months yet, hoping to start tracking around March - April time.
  3. Another filler episode but after last weeks i'm not bothered. Thought it was quite a good episode though, not sure what to think about Adam though?
  4. I don't need torque to out handle twice as powerful cars. Also, in comparison with other cars, the torque is on par, so i don't really see the problem, there was a massive discussion about this somewhere but i won't go into it in the VW thread. :
  5. 2 cam profiles pwn you n00bz. Man, that red Golf is hot!
  6. I don't watch a video if its not on Youtube. Shocker. Unless its by a trusted film maker and editer, i just wont download it.
  7. Yeh... Surely if you make gates and shit, you could of done something more then a bit of bent metal underneath a rotor?
  8. Huh? That's not at all what you asked, you can't ask a question then make up additions that'll influence a persons answers maybe a different way after they've answered, makes the question completely pointless. Maybe i didn't get the joke or something?
  9. It's not at all. If i've got 800k for a car i'm not going to get a 1k car that'll break down on the way home from the purchase. Same with a bike, if i have 1k for a bike i'll get that, if i've got 700 i'll get that one. Unless someone is really stupid they'll always get the bike they can afford, not a lesser bike. I think i get what you're trying to ask, but just not made it clear. What i think you're asking is... "Bike A; your exact dream colour scheme, will break after 6 months, costs 700 quid. Bike B; bright green frame, yellow forks, red brakes, purple handle bars, will not break" or... "Onza caged pedals at 15 quid, bought 4 times a year, or Ferrari pedals, bought once a year, cost of 60 quid"
  10. This is a bit silly really? Would i rather buy a Veyron or a Peugeot 306? If i'm in the market for a Veyron, i'll damn well get a Veyron.
  11. Just installed it and its now working, although i'm 100% sure it wasn't the plugin, think it was more the fact that firefox restarted. Although thats a cool plugin, cheers.
  12. Er, what the f**k? Just been googling and apparently other people are experiencing the same thing. Youtube started running super slow, and now it doesn't load at all, but when i go into IE, it loads fine and videos stream as they used too. What the hell is going on?
  13. I used to be Lewis Hamilton's mechanic. True story.
  14. Haha yeah, was thinking the same thing. February.
  15. Pah, season 2 of course.
  16. Holy crap, what an awesome episode! Everything is falling into place, the virus, tekensi, the paintings, how hiro's dad died, i like answers!
  17. I'm going to be blunt here, but Matt seems to have pretty much said it... You are a photographer, not a flash developer, nor a website designer, let the pictures do the talking, let the customer reactions do the talk. You don't need the flash, you need a flat, elegant site that makes it easier for prospective clients to view what they can get and what they can get in return; increased sales. Idea is pretty damn awesome though, so good luck with it.
  18. Nah, watch that shit at full quality on HD, that would be immense! Holy christ, front flip tail whip! What the hell, can't do that shit in games can you?
  19. Message Tom or Danny to report it, obviously broken.
  20. This is exactly where i wanted to take Trials-Shack. To be honest, it sounds like you've pretty much covered most areas pretty well. For registration, keep it simple, the trials community is lazy, i learnt this the hard way. Just collect basic information, name, email, location, bike, age and the other required stuff. Allow them to hide it all as well if needs be, or atleast limit it, like show age instead of actual date of birth, only friends can see your location, and so on. Images, 1mb is the standard usually, as its a niche site you could go to 1.5mb i guess, as my camera outputs at 1.2mb, but personally i'd restrict it to 800k. Think about site usability too, and so some research into colours, different colours stimulate different areas and emotions, you want to stimulate the right ones. Get a good name too, not just biketube or what ever, think of an individual name and if possible, not generic to bike trials, just makes future expansion easy if you so cross that path. Throw me a PM or something if you want further advice or some of my experiences, i ran Trials-Shack for 11 months first time around, pulled 1.4 TB of bandwidth a month and 1.1 million hits, and after 5 months the second time around i was already back to pulling 1 TB of data. Trials-Shack was a download only site though, at the same quality it was uploaded at and didn't have streaming. Good luck, it certainly isn't easy, and takes a lot of time, effort, and foremost, money.
  21. There was, i hosted it for a bit.
  22. Simon


    Man, i may so get slated or go to hell for this, but with all due respect to our dearest DJ, this situation is completely different to those events that tragically took DJ? They had no license, were out to speed with no thought to anyone but themselves where as Tom's was just, by the sounds of it a sad mistake? I think sometimes the situation and persons attitude has to be taken into account, and i think the story on Pistonheads about the Type-R crash is a good example of this. Dude, not this again, no one cares, it was a joke, people joke about Southern Fairys, Northern Monkeys, we don't care, neither should you.
  23. Late is 1, maybe half 12, earlier then that is just normal.
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