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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Halfords tools. Socket set, screwdriver, spanner set, and a nice red box to store it in.
  2. Because you are both morons? Hell, i think the trials park topic was enough to let everyone see that. Both your attitudes are f**king awful. Everyone else has functioned, and can function on the forum fine. Little too no warnings, yet you two seem to be having massive trouble staying afloat? Have you ever stopped back and to think it might not actually be the forum, and it may actually be you two, especially as 4000+ other members can manage it fine? Er, he's a moderator and can ban you, i'd say that's as close to forum police as you are going to get.
  3. Yeah, i can see how Tomm started it as well, i mean, he did have an attitude, ask the thread to be moved to NMC implying stupidity on the posters behalf, and then belittled the poster with the 'WTF?'. Oh man, Tomm best warn himself heh?
  4. So why do you write 'So explain it to me. Trialstube. '. That would imply you didn't understand what TrialsTube was. Because he A, wasn't being a dick about it nor had a massive attitude about it, and B, isn't a dick in the first place.
  5. Well everyone else understand, Charlie? Si-man has the attention span of a pin head if it doesn't involve blood or fights which explains his lack of understanding.
  6. No, but if a policemen tell's me to shut up, i shut up. Them smoking cannabis is a completely different ball game. TrialsTube is up along the top navigation with a flashing green (new) next to it. Maybe next time you'll open your eyes before being a complete dick to yet another forum member when it is infact you who is being the new member worth poster.
  7. Quoted for truth. I'm not entirely sure why you persistently give 99% of this forum a reason to think your a moron, maybe you enjoy being the butt of all the jokes, being the most hated and most shunned, but if you don't sort your f**king attitude out you wont have this forum to be hated on, as you'll join the likes of Pete Wright of being forever banished. Hold on, you don't know what TrialsTube is and that's why you had a go at him? Oh my days. You are so much more retarded and ignorant then i first thought.
  8. Simon

    I Am Legend

    That film could of been so, so great. But a massive disappointment that was. What a massive shame. Hopefully Jumpers wont disappoint.
  9. New years eve, easy. Boxing day is shit. Christmas eve is just a bit camp. Will be my first new years eve out so can't really comment on atmosphere and so on, but it can't exactly be bad.
  10. Nah, we rode boxing day i think, then we went out to East on new years day.
  11. Simon

    Need Help Html

    What do you mean by adapt? You can only position a background image in HTML/CSS, it is impossible to make it stretch or fill an area.
  12. Do miss my bike. Might pop down for a bit see who's down and so on, depending on what i'm doing. Just a word of warning, traffic wardens are out in force now as they employed like 60 new people to patrol, so beware of parking on the double yellows at splash like we used too, and be vigilant about parking elsewhere.
  13. Haha, i scrolled straight down without seeing who posted the thread, then i saw the pictures and was like "is this UrbanLegend?"... s'awesome that you've defined your own style enough for me to recognise shit like that. Also; My personal favourite, so good.
  14. Yeh man! Went out boxing day last year, was amazing, was just dead.
  15. Should of stuck you in a cell over Christmas.
  16. Simon

    The Lost Thread

    You all lose, January 31st, which is a Thursday. Has anyone else seen the Season 4 trailer? Holy f**k! Looks amazing! Only 8 episodes though 'cause of strike, but that could be a good thing.
  17. With the writers strike, it's anyone's guess really.
  18. Why would i possibly want to remember stuff like that when i have no interest in it? Don't insinuate someone is stupid just because they don't care to remember stuff like that. Anyway, this is going dangerously off topic. Joeee, indeed. To be honest, i'm going of Christmas cards too. Worst one was new year, i didn't say happy new year to my mum and she went f**king skitzo at me, like i've never seen before.
  19. ^^^ Amen. I want to not be able to sleep, for my mum to hang my stocking on door 'cause i was still awake when she wanted to come into room and drop it off. Er, was it not the re-birth of christ we are celebrating and not the birth? Anyway, this thread has nothing to do with religion, however, if you believe you have to be excited about a day on the calender just because your religion says so, does that not make you think a bit about religion?
  20. Good luck trying to get any more useful advice from people of here now. Nor expect many people to come ride this.
  21. Oh my days, of all the people on the planet to get one of the first trials parks in the UK built, i'm really really concerned that it's you. What concerns me even more is that you are currently proving all my doubts correct. Seriously, listen to what the f**k people are saying and don't belittle them because you believe you already know it. If you already know what your doing why did you ask for advice. You have completely the wrong attitude to life, and to this project. Sort yourself out, there is a reason 90% of this forum dislike you, maybe take this opportunity of building community project that may also help you communicate better with this forum, its users, and in turn the people that will be riding this. PS: Nick hasn't even commented in this thread and Jon gave you examples of previous parks, so why the hell did you mention them when saying about arguement's in this thread? PPS: That is a rhetorical question and relates to my points above; your attitude.
  22. lulz. Come on Ash... check the description. Jonny made a thread when it was shown. He also showed the video before he sent it in incase it didn't get shown.
  23. At a guess it'll be towed/driven Newquay for Riveira run, probably with the story in the windows to show how great car/bike community's can be, after that i guess it's up to Prawn unless Oli had any other places he wanted to go with the completed mini.
  24. The riding was simply amazing, editing wasn't mind blowing but wasn't particularly bad, however, overall i thought it was really bad, for one simple reason. I hate people that throw their bikes like 8 year olds. I'm not taking anything away from his riding, he's got some huge bollocks, but why throw your bike, it makes you look a penis.
  25. I think Joe more means content of each box. 'Why shop here', 'warranty, 'top sellers' etc.
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