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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Should of gone with white highlights, nice idea though. But you didn't mask off the bottom bracket? Good luck getting the bottom bracket back in there with layers of paint over the threads.
  2. That's how i interpreted it. Fair enough if it's only the information on the site they care about. My bad. Although, i merely showed snippets from the HTML after i'd gone to the weebly site to see if it was a template creation site, and only to confirm and back-up my accusations, i just hate people using templates and trying to pass them of as their own, but as you aren't, i apologize, just make that clearer next time.
  3. Simon


  4. Simon


    Dude, have some common f**king sense. I get the feeling the poster wasn't like "ah hold on, i'll wait 3 years just to make sure i can get everyones advice, then proceed". If the thread is over a week old then its usually not worth posting in, unless its something like Random questions thread, Best of interenet, Car thread, and so on. I would say use your common sense about what thread to post in, but you clearly have none, so my advice? Don't post.
  5. VTEC-e. Nice Civic, don't like smoothed boots though. Hmmm, Oakland, you've not started driving yet and you claim to have a 500bhp RX7? Sorry, just find that hard to believe... Simo, that Golf is hot, good work!
  6. Its a template. I hope you fail. Using a template and trying to pass it off as your own is so damn f**king annoying. Hell, it even has the link "Create a free website with Weebly" in bottom right. Apologies if it is some how your own layout but it doesn't look like Weebly allows custom uploaded content like templates. Plus; <!-- this template was designed by http://www.tristarwe... and; <!-- WEEBLY_START_CONTENT --> *sigh*
  7. Offset is the distance in mm between the wheels centre vertical line is and where the mounts are. I wasn't 100% so googled, and this bollocks as f**k explanation popped up. Pretty simple concept though. Is the wattage at max or rms? First off, 6x9's are shit, read any decent audio forum to learn this fact, how ever, dealing with them, you want to go under the wattage the unit can take. If RMS is 300, you ideally want to go 280 odd. Get a more powerful amp as running it as max will kill it quickly. My knowledge on ICE is extremely limited though so best to wait for someone with a clue. As for lowering, depends if you want it to actually handle or just be low. For example, i was looking at lowering springs earlier as a mate was saying how uncomfortable the ride was in his 40mm low Saxo. After a bit of digging i still didn't find the spring rates of the koni springs, but i did find a rough figure of 240lb/in. The higher the number the harder the ride. For comparison, my coilovers are 6kg/mm and 10kg/mm rear and fronts. The front which has the more weight and therefore running the 6's works out to be 335lb/in. You see what i'm getting at here? A saxo driver lowered on springs may be low but i'll still easily out handle it because my springs rates are a lot higher so less body roll and rebound. If how ever you are just concerned about lowering and not how it effects the car, then go onto car specific forums, the question would of been asked a hundred times and answered a lot more thoroughly then we ever could.
  8. My work does this, for an extreme amount of money. Good luck with it, if i wasn't doing development i'd be doing consultancy. You should see the same, or similar results, in fact, one of my works seminars has this in it, about how all websites are the same, was the one i attended in fact, really quite interesting. Give me a shout if you want to brush over some stuff, i'm by no means an expert but i've picked up some stuff here and there from the consultants, smart old bunch of people i tell you.
  9. Believe you me, you aren't the only one that thinks this. Next time Jarrod, maybe think before engaging what few brain cells you seem to have left. By the way, to play devils advocate, they've never, ever said they are making this 'hollywoood movie'. They've only said they have had the smallest of talks about a documentary, and how it'll effect them financial everyone is just assuming.
  10. There was a white R31 in Japanese Performance a few months back?
  11. Not up here. Someone Tube it too please!
  12. Dudddddde, loosen up. Looks like you've got a metal rod shoved up your arse and down your arms. Relax, everything else will come naturally.
  13. Simon

    Need Help Html

    em is relative to the size of the font inside that object. People use it for elastic layouts, and to make font sizing work in IE6, and add's about a week of development time onto a normal pixel cut-up site.
  14. Krisboats, why did you even take your camera to a house party. Or was it just some little compact jobbie?
  15. Simon

    Need Help Html

    You mean overflow:scroll?
  16. Christ. Think i might have to stop spending money on car and sort out my computer, my laptop is falling apart already, and it really is so shit.
  17. Is this not kind of obvious? As a learner you'll always have an experienced driver with you, now you've passed you are on your own, or with friends the same age and are very much a liability.
  18. Simon


    With the whole 'help yourself' thing, having been through the worst depression, sometimes that's a lot easier said then done, i know i for sure couldn't of done it, and it involved people and events to sort the depression i was going to. When your in bad depression you think everything will just make it worse and turn out bad, and just keep thinking "why should i bother, will only back fire". Sometime it does require something else in life to spark the road to recovery, i know it did with me. Personally, i think your an exceptional case John, i know of no one else like you, and i honestly believe you are one in a million for the way you think, if you do actually genuinely think like that... i'm not saying you are lying but that's a pretty idealistic world you live in if nothing makes you unhappy. Also pretty sure not many others are like you, so saying that only you can make yourself happy is wrong advice, if one like in the state i was, would of been left to my self, it would sure as hell not got any better. Not read Dave or Rowly's contributions so can't comment on them.
  19. Mine just skips, a video that is so high quality a computer isn't powerful enough to render it frame for frame, so annoying. I closed a load of shit and i got the skipping down to about every second or 2, so got it watched in the end. Man, that girl was f**king stunning, jesus. Riding was sweet too, and the quality when you was panning round by that big pipe, wow.
  20. Doesn't play on my laptop, tried VLC too. This HD stuff is f**king annoying.
  21. Oh wow, its 2002 all over again. Don't do it, it'll destroy your hub, very, very easily, and is completely pointless. EDIT: Haha Ash, didn't see it was a Pro II. Oh my.
  22. 'cause a lot is shut, that's the point. I know Liverpool street is closed until Friday, and its the station i walk through to get to work in London, and believe you me, it is always a mission to walk through there. Can't begin to imagine the chaos this is causing to London commuters, just glad i'm not in London this week.
  23. Er, did Hope not admit there was a fault with their last batch of hubs? Sorry, but this spoke tension shit is utter bollocks. I've hardly ever heard of hubs cracking like that before the last batch of Hopes. Hope admitted their was a fault, just do that this time? Replace your mistakes, i certainly wouldn't let it put me off of buying another Hope hub, and i'm sure that didn't happen last time a few cracked theirs. People need to stop trying to blame other causes for something that is quite obviously the manufacturers problem, it's not a crime to admit a mistake has been made, i'm sure the faultless history of Hope won't even be scratched, just don't blame storm or blame it on ignorant riders. Haha, basically, what Shaun said about the convenience.
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