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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Morning once again. Matt Staples, Andy Chai, Simon, Andy P + others came down to worthing last sunday, so i ofcourse went out, camera+tripod in hand. Also went on a brighton trip a while back, so thats in here too. Meh, i really dislike this video, as i seem to all my videos :P but maybe someone will like it (Y) Anywhom; Music: Track One - Everclear - So Much For The Afterglow Track Two - Goldfinger - My Everything Riders: Andy P - Planet X Zebdi MK6 Matt Staples - Kot MS2 Andy Chai - Black Mumba Lee McCaw - Zoo Pitbull 04 Brendan Patterson - Zoo pitbull 04 (with blue forks) Ross Devitt-Spooner - Monty 221 Alex King - Megamo Radical 20 Simon Fryer (me) - Onza Woodstock I may have forgotten some, so appologies if i have. Length: 6minutes 33seconds Size: 65.3mb Linky: Lefty Clicky. I must admit, i gave up on editing in the last minute or two, as i was pushing to fit stuff in. I also quite dislike the text at the start, but with a 3 hour export time, im not about to export it again. Meh, i also tried to edit to the music in the first song, and sort of in the second song. Well, i will stop babbling, and leave you to slate my crap video :unsure:
  2. All this about weight? I can't really see how this tubeless stuff has anything to do with weight saving. I always thought it was peace of mind, as well as being able to run any tyre you want, without having to look for puncture resistance. If all along this has been about weight, then it really is quite pointless surely. As adam has already mentioned, and others, by the time you have the liquid in there, and latex'ed up the sidewalls to secure it, it probably would be the same if you had a tube in anyway, surely? (Y)
  3. Waking up at 8. Helping my dad at 8:30 to shift cars around. Taking delivery of a cobra replica an hour or so later. Going home, and sleeping some more. Im more then happy to accept sponsors to sleep though? (Y)"
  4. Simon

    Torrent Help

    Azureus is a java program, so if browse to this FAQ question and look around for what they suggest, your CPU/Memory load with drop considerably :turned: Also, its been suggested to use ports around 2xxxx. I currently use 25252, which i think is the suggested one currently. However, google around for what ports to use, as sometimes ISP's block a range of known p2p client ones.
  5. Haha, well, if you don't want to make it, or just don't, i'll use my cheap as text/logo design :turned: By the way people. Hop Idol final is sunday as far as i know, so all people going saturday for hop idol: "OOPS." :)
  6. How not to discuss a suggestion. I however can see your points, and i obviously wasn't expecting for all the points to be liked, or even used, and i can understand not using the Title "codes". Also, how do those suggestions make you think of a corporate company? :) Thats fine also. To be honest, i probably did go over the top, but more descriptive Titles/Descriptions i personally think are needed.
  7. All 3 days. Well, coming up friday, going home late sunday. I'll be there, sporting my trials-shack hoodie and/or t-shirt :turned:
  8. Leading on from this topic i have a few suggestions that may interest a few browsers. For the sake of this post, im going reffer to the act of posting up a new video, as "a release" or along those lines, and posting a general thread as just "a thread". These are guidelines, and not rules, so not punishable by the system, except in extreme cases. Obviously i don't make the rules, and im only suggesting these, so the admins/mods can decide to use them, and enforce them at there own discretion. So, here they are; Descriptive Topic Title/Description When posting a thread, you are advised to add an icon ( & ) Choosing the appropriate icon for your type of thread. As there only two icons, but a host of other thread types, the Title is advised to start with one of the following; S: -> Thread for a website -> "S: New trials-shack design" V: -> Thread for a release -> "V: video.ext from xyz.com" P: -> Thread for pictures -> "P: Tyke Trial Round 2" G: -> Thread for general stuff -> "G: Anyone seen this?" Ofcourse, you may post a release along with pictures, for which you group them; SV: -> Website with video -> "SV: xyz.mpg from new site xyz.com" If it all doesn't fit in Title, roll it over into description. If nothing is in description, then write a small blurb about the thread. If its a release, maybe mention some of the featured rides, or the place. Obviously if theres nothing to write in description, just leave it. People don't relise the Description is actually optional, and you don't actually need it. Then we come to the actual topic. Try and make it as descriptive as possible, as with the examples above. Including maybe the filename, website address, the event, or which ever bit of information will give people the insentive to look in. Releasing a video To co-inside with my new site im launching soon about songs in videos, im also putting forward a "template". This will only take an extra 2 or 3 minutes, but will help you out in the long run from the "whos on x bike", "whats z song", "whats y size, as im only getting x of it". Obviously adding anything else you want to. Background on video, or whatever you normally would add Quoting of posts If the post you are quoting as 20 images, and you are on commenting on one, remove the pictures that are not needed. If you are simply commenting on them all, then remove them all. If someone wants to view them, they cant click the "recall" button at the bottom right of a post to go to the actuall post There my suggestions, and thanks to Oli for first voicing them. Discusssssssssssssssssssssssssss away.
  9. Not when you live in the USA :blink:
  10. Simon

    New Video

    That was a weeeee bit good heh :blink: Gap to front wheel, flat to flat, rail to rail, without much sign of angled flick. Thats pretty f**king mad shizzle right there :angry: Must say phil, i love your style :angry: Also liking the effort to film using two camera's, very nice :angry: I may suggest one thing. When filming with two cameras, try and get the exact same lens for both. Lastly, the site. Very very nice indeed. Very clean, and who ever coded it or manages it definetly knows what there doing. :angry:
  11. Are you using a modem? I don't know how to upgrade, and i also don't know any of the details at all. Do i just ring up, and well, ask? :D Im using the set top box by the way :/
  12. A one year bump, just to say that? :D Errrr, thanks :D
  13. Tapping easier? You tapped the 47" of splash first go (N) Then went on to sidehop it to two wheels :D Meh, the bike looked lushed, and that review was very nice. After see'ing you ride it, im tempted to maybe get it as my next bike, as it really did look easy to ride. Nice to see its working for you :D
  14. Simon

    New Wtuk Vid

    I really, really can't see the point in posting this up. Is it really that hard to wait until its uploaded then post about the video, you know, so people can actually view it... Its also 9pm and still no sign of a video...
  15. MPAA have been known to seed there own movie releases to get to high leechers and high downloaders. I know of atleast one Spiderman release that was theres. This is why you can find MPAA and RIAA IP block lists, so you don't download from known "agents" so to speak. The police can do anything when working with the right people. You the average user wont have to worry that much, they are first taking down the big organisations, such as suprnova, lokitorrent, shareconnecter etc etc, then going for the VERY high usage users. They sometimes pick off little ones, just to stir the water and leave a warning, but i highly doubt it will effect you. Yet anyway.
  16. Oh god. NTL have claimed another :lol: You have to do no such thing. Turn on your PC, with modem and everything on. Go to the ntlhome.com page, and register your connection if you haven't done already. I've not once used a CD for NTL, and neither has my friend. Ever. Stop listening to NTL, there a f**king wank ISP. If i could change, i would. However, the trouble of changing lines, TV company, phone company etc is to much hassle, and to expensive, so i will stick with wank uptime, wank after sales and wank ratios :lol:
  17. Lovely jubbly ride everyone :) Matt, Chai, hope you enjoyed the unlucky scent of worthing. More matt then chai though :lol: Will see about the video soon. Still need to film the intro though :) <- Woodstock + filming allllllllllllll the time :)
  18. Ok, well, we riding as usual. We might be down a bit later, but im sure i can drag them out a bit earlier maybe. If anyone comes down later on; 07813060766 and i will try and give you directions, but as a few have found out (oli/cant_ride :"> , Andy P) im not all that great at giving correct directions (Y)
  19. Simon

    Mothers Day

    Morning. I got this f**king rad card earlier in the week. It has "For this mothers day, i bought you a pedistal..." and then has a picture of a mum on the pedistal holding a trophy etc, but ofcourse, inside, it say "...so you can reach the higher area to dust. Happy m/o/t/h/e/r/s (crossed out) cleaners day" :) Meh, it tickled my fancy (Y) I haven't however bought a gift, so not sure how thats going to go down :( Might try and go buy some crumpets or something, so she can have them for breakfast. So, who is now kicking themselves as they have completly forgotten? (Y)
  20. I think your right, i would say the white dots are bigger though. Basically, the writing goes lighter when you go further away, so it must mean theres more whiteness, or less blackness, either way, thats my thoughts. Its also f**king rad. Who ever thought of that needs a pat on the back :(
  21. Well, mothers day, but im allowed out. If anyone is going, what time?
  22. The only one in the country. Not much competition for the best then is there Good luck with it though Name: Simon Fryer Town: Worthing, West Sussex How long riding trials: 3.5 Years Would you be prepared to travel to the park: Yes I am signing this form on my be half to support the trials park in crook Simon Fryer.
  23. Ah, two images of the same scene. Incase you believe it may be percieved to be fake. Will add that now. Sorry that it wasn't clear.
  24. Simon


    Happened to me too. I had 600 e-mails, so wasn't best pleased. Logged out, and back in again, and they was all there again. MSN/Hotmail was being really odd yesterday (Y)
  25. Try http://www.whatsthattune.co.uk Has a lot of adverts on there (Y)
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