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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Go to Clapham Junction, then change to Waterloo, think its platform 12 you have to be on, can't remember though heh. See you all there, and yey for tarty coming. I'm so giving you a big hug tart :D
  2. Simon

    Body 'art'

    April fools rock :D :P :D
  3. Sounds good, but its video blogging. Therefor if you upload a trials video, that isn't exactly a blog entry. However, they said there trying not to impose to many barriers so will have to see :D
  4. I think they mean't the other dude :) And er, sorry guys, but i've disabled the video, you've had long enough to get it, and its killing my bandwidth, and if im honest, i don't want to release my video with no bandwidth left. If anyone finds it cuntish, take it up with me, and i will turn it back on, or you can pay the $415.05 in excess charges that im currently expected to do if i don't control the bandwidth :angry: Don't worry, i will be doing this with my video too, along with Jonny's when its released. Hopefully i will have a load management script sorted soon to control video downloads. So sorry for anyone who hasn't got it.
  5. Half of the youth crew may be coming. Not sure wether to ride worthing or london. Can't really leave Baz, will see a bit closer to date.
  6. Patience my friend, patience :P Onza bashing started with the t-raptor at a guess. They all cracked in the exact same place, then they brought out a new model, and put a gusset on the other side to where they all snapped :P Onza have defiantily learned from their mistakes though, as you can clearly tell with the Woodstock, T-Mag '05 and other such new frames. As far as i can tell as well, no one has bashed Onza on the forum for ages anyway :P
  7. EDIT: Can't be assed. Blah blah, nice bike, blah blah blah onza proved us all wrong, when there wasn't even anything to prove. It's a miracle :lol:
  8. If that was aimed at me. Somebodys mate? I heard it from Baz. Unless Baz has and identical looking/talking/walking friend, it wasn't a case of "ome body's mate said that, he knows who did it" im afraid.
  9. Simon

    Koxx Days Dvd.

    Correct. Good idea of Matt's to be honest, especially as he pays more for a server then i do (Y)
  10. Im there, as i am every weekend, weather pending ofcourse. May bring video camera, not sure.
  11. Im not sure if someone mentioned it earlier in the thread, but i know for a fact Danny has never said that, i just saw something which someone quoted Lee saying, and wanted to clear it up. I couldn't care what goes on, its a nice frame, and i will be looking at one as soon as a price and date is announced (Y)
  12. Aye, this was before the woodstock, as after his design was "denied" so to speak, him and chris started on the woodstock. Thats why the woodstock has a seat, as chris wanted it (Y) So before you say that it was before they got loaded, you may be correct ;) Baz is also only in pre-members i believe, so can't have a say (Y) Im not having a go at onza or anything by the way, im just adding (Y)
  13. This is more then likely because i was there 3 days, and saw the moves over and over, as well as filming half of them myself, but i got bored within the first 5 minutes ;) Some bloody good riding though, and i saw some stuff i missed in the flesh, which was fun. Nice video though heh (Y)
  14. Simon

    Koxx Days Dvd.

    That would be a good idea. No one want's to e-mail you just get a price. Surely cleanbikes or something should be selling them too? Seems a bit odd just releasing a DVD on the forum without any massive news or anything, such as on koxx site, unless i missed it? What with the slanted wankweb they call a website. Eggsactly. I allow most things, but that would be removed instantly.
  15. This isn't all over a freewheel. Its over the frame which Barry designed, was then told it would be too expensive to make, then when Danny jumps aboard, its done within weeks. We don't care about a freewheel (Y) And anal is right, without gossip and little discussions such as this, where would trials-forum be :-
  16. Simon

    Dream Team

    5 Riders (Y) Matt Staples - His style is so good, and can tap stupidly high things, with great consistancy. Andy P - So smooth, but can still gap nearly 9ft static. Jon Shrewsbury - After watching him at hop idol, he thinks of the most origonal lines. Danny Holroyd - He can flow better then water i swear and is also still stupidly good. Ben Slinger - I love his style down to the bone. He knows exactly what hes doing, and how to do it. Doesn't stop to think, just hop gap switch gap drop and your done.
  17. Oh my god, im glad someone else has seen that film. One of the best films ever. They currently filming the sequel, well, only started like last month. Should be f**king rad. Paris hilton is playing one of the daughters, and theres going to long lost brother aswell. If you can get The Boondock Saints, you should 100% get it!
  18. Simon

    The Bikes Show

    Oh hush, its late, blah blah :S Saying that, i knew it was Nick and Andy as i was having trouble filming them both, as they was both going as big as eachother :P I just can't type properly :P Glad someone read my essay though, didn't realise i wrote that much :lol:
  19. Correct. From talking to Jon and Andy after the final, they get two bikes each, a 20 and a 26. Will update when i know more. Im sure Andy may post too.
  20. Ali was running one at the show. Seemed to be working damn good for him heh :lol: Im sure Ali could inform you "Ali C" on here :S
  21. Even Ashton wasn't happy doing them. He was trying to let the euro's ride before him so they could pull big shit so the backflip wouldn't please so much, but its such a crowd pleaser he did it nearly every show on all 3 days. Must admit, it was pretty rad to see. Its not trials in the slightest, but its a bikeshow, so they have to show off, and which he did royally.
  22. GO ANDY :S :) :) GO JON Well done to Nick and Mike too, the four of you made the final a bloody great watch. Especially with Andy's to shining moves which even impressed Ot Pi :S Expect video soon :lol:
  23. Simon

    The Bikes Show

    Best three days in a f**king long time. Course was alright. I must admit, it wasn't all that great but ashton & co did use what they had very well. There was everything from super tech logs and tree's to a super street mini quarter pipe so to speak. All centered around a big flat bed trailor. Some pretty damn rad lines heh. As i wen't for all three days, its all blurred into one but i will try re-cap as best i can. Friday - Ashton pulled a back flip, on his ashton. Vincent & Benito back wheel the trailor at around 51 inches. Gilles hooked the middle tree, can't remember the height, but pretty damn huge. Ali C fell a good 8ft into his back wheel & back. Demolished his back wheel. ( I wasn't there for this bail, so if someone could fill us in ). Craig sidehopped the trailor which was 51 and a bit inches, too two wheels ofcourse :S Saturday - Craig out side hopped Benito. To be honest, im sure benito could of had it, but Craig sidehopped up this f**king huge log and benito did keep trying, got it to back wheel but couldn't get his front low enough so could never stick it, so he let Craig have it. Ofcourse, its round one of hop idol. I can't remember everyones name so i won't list who entered, im sure you all know anyway. As i was cheering on Jon and Andy, i must admit, this will seem biased towards them, (but for good reason, so read on), but they was going f**king huge. Not forgetting Nick Manning who was clearly doing bloody great too, pulling some lines some of the pro's where doing. Jon came out with a ramp to air to x-up as his first move in practise, then wen't on to pull this highly orional line from the ramp onto trailor and onto the middle step of the devils staircase. Andy was ofcourse huge as well as super smooth as always, pulling amongst his session, a 360 gap and was the first one to go up to the top of the course and down the devils stair case. (I have nothing to do with name, talk to Chris about that :P ). Fatmike also pulled a sweet line from the top skip to the bottom side of the skip, throwing in a one hander at the top. After the 2 sessions of 3 rides, Andy P, Jon, Nick and Fatmike where put through into the final. Well done to the two that didn't make it, you rode good :) Fatmike also snapped his disk mounts on his forks, so was looking grim for the final, however, phil the superstar said if Ashton could raise 40quid from donations from the crowd and riders, he would sell him some pures. Guess what, he did :lol: I put in 1.50 too :P Sunday - Everyone was looking forward to today as ofcourse it was the hop idol final. It was at first Andy + Fatmike, and fatmike after not touching the top pillar decided to go for it, even though he was shit scared of it, so top job there dude :) If im honest, i can't remember most of the semi finals, so i will skip the finals, which after deciding was to be Andy P and Jon. Nick and Mike rode fan-f**king-tastic though, so shouldn't be annoyed at all. After just riding 10minutes of the semis, both Jon and Andy where nackered to shit, and Jon was clearly struggling, ontop of that he had a bad back. Jon pulled a sweet gap of the far end Pillar to the big circular low pillar. Then Andy threw back the punch with a god damn insane gap from the top pillar to the second step in the pillar stair case, which even got the respect of Ot Pi :S Jon was clearly nackered to got of his bike 15 seconds before end after a really harsh bail and let Andy take the stage with a good 9ft gap to a small rail way sleeper. Side on, which for the inept is around a 6inch wide platform to aim for. It was also taking of from a rail wall sleeper. It was done rolling, but he did it. It really was exciting, and i hope anyone that watched enjoyed it as much as i did. Ofcourse, it was time for the winner, which was hard to choose as both Jon and Andy are both great riders. I would like to highly congratulate Andy Ponting on winning hop idol, and Jon Shrewsbury for coming a close 2nd. Well f**king done heh, i know you was both nervous, but you sure did come through. Top job. Ofcourse, now it was time once again for the invited riders. Craig threw on his FBM tee :P and made his way to the top in the final show of the weekend. We knew he was going to throw something big down, and he sure didn't dissapoint. From the top of the course he did a huge drop gap to a TINY post a good 10/11ft away with around a 6/7ft drop. He wanted to the gap to remember deej, and what a great way too. All the riders where blown back, and as soon as it was over, vincent, benito and ot pi walked up to the top pillar where he took off from to have a look, and looked on in disbelief at what he just pulled. Also checked out the BMX street where some crazy shit was getting thrown down, and all in the smooth and flowing fashion BMX is known for. Unknown of Dirt was a bloody good show too, and well done to Kettle (Simon Brettle) for representing, shame about the bike you was lumbered with. I can't remember shit all from specific days or demos, so its mostly hop idol. Big big thanks to Lee McCaw for driving us up as well as The Bike Show for allowing me a Press Pass. Also thanks to everyone i stayed with, and what great fun you all made. I can never look at Kirsty in the same way again. Projectile Blood Loss :P All in all a great weekend. Video will be in a few days :) Jonny's will be the one to look out for though, as well as the pictures he took. Give him a few days to short shit out though.
  24. Heading off in like 10mins :) Got the hoodie and tee. Say hi :) We may be hungover/whatever saturday and sunday, so be gentle (Y)
  25. Here it is, and what sex on wheels it is (Y) Click for bigger picture And the bigger picture (its 3mb so beware) http://public.xl-designs.com/trials/IMGP3153.JPG Ah, Coust will go on then heh. Good to hear :)
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