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Everything posted by Simon

  1. If we count trials-shack as money into trials, along with trains. Bike at the moment is 1200 Old frames and parts amount to around 600 Trials-shack 550 ish Train tickets is verging on 150 Spend around 5 quid when i ride (food & drink), so thats another 100 ish so thats like 2500 ish. Maybe more though. Damn. >_<
  2. Ah, Germany has an Andy P >_< Very nice indeed. Even gap the exact same way as Andy, maybe thats the only way to be smooth heh. Top video. I think music would of spoiled it, as you couldn't hear him landing, or lack there of, of sound. If i visit my family in Germany again, will have to take my bike and try hook up with some riders me thinks heh.
  3. Simon

    Text Talk?

    See, this is the thing. I was talking to someone for a bit, and they kept using "kl". I just assumed they was hitting "l" on their way to the enter button after typing "k". Then she used it some wierd context and i had to ask what the hell it mean't. I can understand in text's, but why on MSN or forums,. There's no charecter limit, there's not a time limit, and it just makes you look like a 12 year old. Corish, if i spoke to your mum on MSN, and she started to text talk, i would instantly assume it was your younger sister of 14 or something. I'm sorry, but what does text talk achieve? I've already explained how its actually slower to understand, and even type in some cases as monkey has pointed out. Except in a charecter limited enviroment, there is no way text talk can be defended. No it doesn't effect the way i sleep, but it damn well effects my annoyance factor on MSN/A forum when someone uses it, and consiquently takes me ages to figure out what on earth there saying. And er Corish, i am letting people do what they wan't. I was simply pointing out how 'utter wank and what a pointless excersise it is. :turned:
  4. Simon

    Text Talk?

    See, this is another point. It seems to only be UK people that "type" it, and i see no reason. We are educated to (what i think) is a high standard of english. Saying that, i got a B in english, and look at me :). Thing is, everyone likes to stereotype people who text talk as chavs, when it actually isn't at all. Yes "they" text talk, but "goths" or "grunges" or what ever cool stereotype names you use, text talk too. I need to do like an investigation or something into this. "Text talk - The documentary" :) It's also not really spelling im getting at, as that can be excused to a certain extent, its the purposly mispelling of words to shorten their length and time spent to type them. Can't believe people even write it now too :)
  5. Simon

    Text Talk?

    So there i am, sitting on MSN, minding my own business, when some girl sparks up a very intelligent and highly intellectual conversation (like f**k that happened). Anywhom, she started off with the normal "hey hey hey", then goes on to royally annoy me. With two simple words; "ows u" Have i missed the "get your message to your contact as fast as possible or you die" announcement by MSN, or is this exercise of missing 3 letters from a 7 letter sentence really really cool? To top things off, she 'claims' she is 20. Like f**k is she 20. So, my question of the hour. What the f**k is the fascination with text talk? What really does it achieve except for looking shit hot in front of your friends </sarcasm> and getting the message to a friend a full 0.01 seconds faster, but then takes your a friend a full second longer to read and understand it, therefor cancelling out the highly smart thing you just did by missing out letters and replacing them. Am i the only one, or did i miss the lectures on "how to be f**king retarded in one easy sentance" at school? Rant over. PS: Yes i swear a lot. :)
  6. http://www.jessops.com/search/dointellisearch.cfm?node=364 Have a wee look there. Currently im running a Raynox 0.5x wide angle clip on. You can see it in use in my last 2 videos. Combined with 16:9 setting on the camera, i love it. There super good quality, and can fit most cameras as there clip on. Don't worry about the clip on being insecure, it's not. It has sort of fake threads on it, so it cant go no where fast :) Theres also proper len's there. Also check out this (thanks to Janson for this), might help you decide on the lens you wan't, and what strength.
  7. Hahaha. Rad to f**k. I remember that ride, what a great one it was. Andy was soaking wet as he just fell head first in the pond by the way. Was the funniest thing i've seen in a f**king long time :D Great video :P Even got me in it, surely that makes it super sexy :D Also, it didn't play in Windows Media Player, so i fired up media player classic, and it works in that. Not sure why heh :-
  8. Simon

    Nbr 14

    You just said it's down, but then asked someone to put it up? :- Nice video heh. Some decent stuff of the bikeshow there heh. Also, Derf is so cute :D Not as good as your others, not riding wise, but editing wise. Still good none the less :D
  9. Simon

    Mod Video

    Shit me. Thats some bloody huge stuff there. There style is also so direct. Like a Ben Slinger, but german, on little monty's, and on street. Rad to f**k. Music wasn't so bad, but probably not to everyones tastes. Bloody good that though :D
  10. You did a 5 month bump just to say "well nice bike m8". Right.
  11. That was rad to f**k. Fooking love the editing. If you ever tell me one of my videos is better then one of yours, ever again, i'll beat 'yo sorry ass. :P Good inspiration that heh. Maybe if Premier doesn't f**k up, i can edit the BMX and Dirt videos properly. Nice one dude :D
  12. Sweet dude. I highly admire you sticking to the sport, even with the disability, if it even can be called that, as it clearly isn't a disability to you :D However, can i suggest that when you next go riding, you bend your arms. Watch any trials video and you will notice there arms are bent. Yours, and all your friends infact always have your arms perfectly straight, and not to sound gay, but it makes your riding look a shit load more sketchier then it actually it. So yeah, relax when you ride, bend your arms when on back wheel :P Nice intro too heh, very smart.
  13. Thanks for your input. Or not. For peoples information, this is the one in Portsmouth. Check this thread for details.
  14. Heh, and... Ah well, saved you a lot of time Bondy. (Y)
  15. Sorry to jump in the thread, but theres already pictures of it built up? (Y)
  16. Actually no. Thats what i first thought, but check out the parking lot in the background in every picture. Unless someone has gone to the extreme length of photoshopping every car, i can highly believe its real (Y)
  17. Will see what i can do. Not sure as i the only way is for me to blag a lift, and with the amount of people and the bikes to take, not sure. May see you all there (Y)
  18. I do rock running if that counts? (Y) Rockour? :( It is good fun. Would love to be good at it, but trials is simply my one true love.
  19. Simon


    Shit me :P I've just been looking through, and basically, its just a free for all spam forum? Quite ingenious actually :huh:
  20. Simon

    Archive 1

    Nope. Jonny and I asked Ashton about at this year Bike Show, and because of sponsor changes, its simply not possible. I did suggest to him to release just his stuff, but i can't remember what he said :huh: You may see just Ashtons stuff, but i doubt you will ever see the other peoples sections. Maybe in their own videos or whatever, but i doubt all in one video. Also no trailers.
  21. Simon

    2005 Tmag

    Sorry to join in the massive bump, but my friend got his last wednesday, and the chain rubs in the rear triangle, on the top part of the triangle :) Does that happen on yours too? Seems a bit stupid too design it so close that the chain rubs (Y) He runs a KMC chain by the way.
  22. Ever heard of a portfolio? You know, that thing future clients or employee's look at to see if your worth it? Very neat Ben, well done (Y)
  23. BT > Onza. The BT looked so much better. However, its how it rides, so if rides better, then good buy :) Still swap back to the BT though :P
  24. The first thing i noticed was that he is running El Gato's. Poor him, and poor me for noticing that :P However, that is a weeeeeeeeee bit of a drop right there :)
  25. When it comes out of the datacenter it may well be running down a 3gb line. Along with a few hundred thousand other servers :P The server itself may only have 100mbit reserved for it though. Netherlands obviously have faster lines, so by reading that, it looks like it could well be 644mbit for each server. Yes its fast, but its not 3gb heh.
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