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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Because he posted a video of a flying lawnmower? Which to be fair, was pretty awesome, that some how makes him a twat? :D
  2. f**k me. That kid can ride some can't he. :D He's also got bloody smooth since he last visited, that rail gap wasn't only super big, but he did it bloody smooth too. ;) What happened at the end then? You also know how to film, so top job for some super good angles. The only times it wasn't so good was on the natural, but i know exactly how hard it is to get a good angle on natural, so i will let you off. :o Like you the way you edited in all the "normal" rider stuff. The stupid comments, stupid faces, as well as bails and the larking around on that big bike, which he was damn good on too. :P Makes Vincent seem all that more normal. :P Awesome stuff.
  3. Well, nothing to say really. No one liked my idea, and the people that did offer, didn't meet the criteria i had set out. I just hope its helped some people in the 11 months it had. Everything will now redirect to the trials-shack good-bye page, which has thank you's, along with information regarding everything. Thank you for your time, and your custom. ;)
  4. f**king hell, thats awesome. Looked super controllable aswell. I so want one! :) Just looking at their forum, theres a plan that hovers, standing up? :P :( I'm so getting one.
  5. So you know not only have a top of the range Koxx (XTP), with top parts, but now a top of the range Echo (Team) with top parts? And heres some of struggling to keep one bike maintained. :P There is a bike pics thread Joe by the way now. :)
  6. Simon

    T.m Show...

    Why does Jonny's own videos have to effect his opinion of other videos? :) Does that mean Jonny know cant have an opinion, as hes released trials videos? Because thats basically exactly what you've just said.
  7. Simon

    T.m Show...

    Out of interest, why did you have to bring into the thread, Jonny's video, and insult them, when all Jonny said was his opinion of the videos? This is called Trials-Forum for a reason, to discuss and speak your opinions. I really can't see why you had to bring someone elses video into the discussion, because the opinion he voiced, wasn't a good one? :) Anywhom, the videos. Well, most of whats been said already, why the constant repeating. Also, what was with the funny colouring at times? :P The syncronisation stuff i've seen before, and bigger and better stuff, so didn't really amaze me. Some good stuff going down though.
  8. Hahaha. Matt didn't even ask if a fly could stop a train, that was just to get people into the topic. :P Good stuff. I bet Matt is like; "What the duck? :) ".
  9. Simon


    Well, i seem to have noticed this trend. There will be a few years of new riders, so like me, brendan, lee and scott. Thats 16 to 19 at the moment. However, for the past few years, there has been no one new, but now we are older, there are people just below our age group starting. So like, a group will start, ride for a few years with no one new starting, then a new bunch will start. If you get me? (Y) So it will seem like its growing, but its just the natural life cycle of trials. Thing is, just as many quit as start up. :P
  10. Oh my f**kshit. This game is super awesome! I got to Episode 1, level 2. I click the first of the 3 boxes when it asks which level to start on. Super fun stuff.
  11. Damn subscribers. DIE. (Y) I got this video ages ago. Was awesome, and nice to see them all bailing too. Made them all that little bit more real, rather then crazy in your head idols. :sick:
  12. Simon


    That was a bit harsh wasn't it? :blink: So your telling me none of you moaned about school while at school? Its exactly the same as this. Everyones jumping down their throats for having a moan, everyone one of you has a different moan every day, and they have one, in like ever, and you go all mental at them. (Y) Yes, they will get over it, but the matter at hand is moaning. Grow up? When your in year 9, you have the right to be not grown up anyway, i know i sure as hell wasn't? (Y) Also, to be fair, do the will smith, turn it inside out. I've always wanted to do that. :sick:
  13. Unless someone can produce a website showing how it was photoshopped, with the people admitting they did it, i will never, ever, believe it was a photoshop. Yes, in the right hands photoshop is a bloody powerfull tool, but no one on this planet could do something that good, and from two angles, which both have the same features, along with perfect reflections and shadows However, as bongo claims he saw it 4 years ago, and this is only dated to be updated last January, it doesn't seem all that reliable. It also doesn't have a release date, only an updated date.
  14. Simon

    Shit Day

    As soon as hes finished his paper round? Ever considered he may not sway the way you think he does? :)" To be fair, my day was f**king awesome, so i won't tell you it and ruin it for the rest of you. :D
  15. Simon

    Gu Bike. Typhoon

    Stop trying to be a mod. Everyone has been saying that for the past 3 pages, why come and say it again, but just make it look retarded with lots of swearing and a huge font? :D And the offical trials-forum.co.uk slag. :) Love you babe. (Y) So yeah, funny bike with a gusset to span the atlantic. Good stuff.
  16. Simon

    Gu Bike. Typhoon

    Nice bike though heh. :P
  17. Simon

    Hot Weather

    The south isn't so lucky. Its actually hotter, and more humid. No thunderstorm, no rain, no clouds, no nothing. Just tried to ride, and i was sweating before i had even got my bike from the garage. :lol: I've decided me and hot weather don't go together. I burn, i never tan, and i just come up with massive spots on my arms. :-
  18. http://www.trials-shack.co.uk/hosted/marti...ddy%20pants.avi Hell, some of the stuff in the video is still forking excellent by todays standards. Great video too. :lol:
  19. We are planning for between 10 and 11 i believe. Leaving here about 6, so 10'ish for us seems about right. We wan't to get a good camping spot you see. ^_^
  20. Its 6 now. I don't really think the downloading daily limit is the users may concern though. ^_^
  21. Just release the video. A trailer for a DVD, or 200mb+ video is fine, as you wish to know what your getting for your money, or for the length of time it will take to download for some. Not for a little video for a trials community though. :shifty:
  22. I was allowed 1200GB a month. It normally used that up before the end of the month. If i was allowed to go over, or just let it run over, it would easily be up to 3000GB a month. Its costing between £62 and £67, depending on the exchange rate. The new server is somewhat more then this. No has even bothered to reply, let alone offer sponsorship, so it don't look like its happening im afraid. 6 days left.
  23. Bit late Tim, its Saturday today. :shifty:
  24. I love the way people are all like "omgwtf w@ a t00l!!111one!!eleven", but yet you still post, and post, and post, just adding fuel to the fire. You could just NOT post a reply, and let his "joke" go down the page, never to be seen again. NMC never ceases to amaze me.
  25. Just walk around being yourself. That could scare most of the world leaders off Lee. :shifty: I'm with Mike on the 3rd point. You need a super hot girlfriend, who can betray you, then be stupidly clumsy and get herself and the MI5 agent caught, so you can kill them both. I think Mikes is the best list so far, except number one. Whitehouse isn't important. Not to someone taking over the world, you want to preserve things you will need. After taking over the world, that will become your residence remember! :shifty:
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