Wank. Purely because Danny had something to do with it. :angry:
Not bad heh. Few points though.
2 scrollbars scrolling the same way is never a good thing. Remove the margins of the page ( body { margin: 0px } ) and make sure if you wan't to use iframe type designs, to not have the browser scroller active as well. Confuses people, and looks silly.
I'm not sure if it what you wan't, but your attention is more focused to the product navigation, and not the main site navigation. The main site navigation is actually quite hard to find at first, because of its red and gray (ish) nature. Its also centered, so the users see the product menu first, as its further left. As i said, not sure if thats what you wan't, but just incase it isn't.
Other then that, all looks not so bad.