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Everything posted by Simon

  1. You mean to tell me you've never seen or heard of Weebl and Bob? Omgosh, where have you been the past 3 years. :( Check out all their stuff. They first became famous for Weebl and Bob, so check out them.
  2. And, to top it off, you saw me. One couldn't ask for a more awesome day really. :( Also, Jonny has hosting, and enough bandwidth to release TM2, but it just isn't done yet. As far as i know anyway. :(
  3. I used to have an obsession with "obsolete". In english lessons, i used to always manipulate the sentance so i could use it, in any context i saw fit. I say "wank" a lot too.
  4. Correct on both counts. I would guess the Abingdon stuff will be in TM2 that Jonny took, and what Nick took will be on the Glasseye DVD which is out soon. :o
  5. Simon

    Ebay Calculator

    Yeah, but PHP is a server side, so you can't code a GUI in PHP, thats why i said the "usual way", ie, using HTML. Meh, i'm just being politically correct i guess. Also, the site, look at it in firefox, its majorly screwed up, unless its mean't to be like that. If it is, you might want to re-think what your trying to achieve with the site.
  6. Simon

    Ebay Calculator

    Off-Topic quickly, but sfboy, have you looked at http://sc-computers.co.uk/ recently, or looked at it in firefox? Dear god make it stop. :o Anywhom, if it wasn't coded in PHP, what was it coded in? :lol: Or does Danny mean do the GUI as you normally would with a PHP script?
  7. No, the point of the thread is for it to be a parent thread, which links to all the sub threads which people post regarding stolen bikes. As people might want to respond to an individual case.
  8. PM the admins, instead of making a new thread? Its only a warning, hell, i had 20% for a good month or two, for the simple reason of "being a silly boy". Get over it.
  9. Simon

    Tarty Bikes

    Yeah, my bad, i was thinking more full BT/GU/ECHO/etc bikes. My point still stands for them though. :D Bleh, everyone asking for a t-shirt or a female counterpart, i will just have Dave on his own thanks. (Y) :P
  10. Simon

    Tarty Bikes

    If i'm right in thinking, they would build a bike as when its needed, and not keep built up bikes, incase a part is needed of it, or such like. There for, going for a test ride is worthless, as there won't be anything to ride. Obviously, i'm only assuming on common sense, but they might be different, so give them a ring by all means, but just so you know. :D
  11. Simon

    Random Question

    On your computer? The whole point of GPS is to be on the move, and get somewhere. GPS also requires an ariel of some kind, as it has to communicate to satellites. For these reasons, its also coded for PDA's, and specially made hardware, so i don't think you can get it for a computer.
  12. I would age a good friend of mine by 4 years, or decrease my age by 4 years. I would rock as a god. I clearly would.
  13. Policy is there for a good reason though. If there a suspected suicide bomber, and you shoot them in the chest, you could potentially set-off there bombs if they have them strapped to themselves. If you shoot them in the head, it doesn't always kill them straight off, so they could then possibly still trigger the device if they are wearing one. If there not a suspected suicide bomber, then the policy is "shoot to disable". I'm not trying to argue guns and shit is a good idea, but meh.
  14. Die. :) Its hard work being Diet Simon i tell thee. Diet oxygen is hard to come by in these parts. Had to shoot a few people to get it too. :lol: I'm there, if i can get there. Hell, i might even be driving by the time you all organise this. I 100% doubt it, but i can dream, muahahaha. :unsure:
  15. Simon

    Driving Lessons

    20 hours is the recommended, but you may be ready before that. I've just done 3 point turns after 6 lessons, so should be ready by my 20th, hopefully. Make sure you get the theory out of the way quick though.
  16. You said backhop over a bench. Back, is the action of going backwards, hop, is the action of lifting the bike of the floor. Combine these two actions, and you have a backop. What you just described isn't a backhop. That i have seen many times, backhopping over a bench, however, i have never seen, as i said. Irony. I'm not provoking an arguement, i'm replying, to me, what seemed an egotistical backed statement. You said "well maby your a slow learner to which, unfortunate to you." which is implying being a slow learner is a bad thing, and that he doesn't have a clue just because he may not be able to ride as good as your friend or you. Go back to NMC for expressing my opinion on the matter? If thats the case, so should 90% of Trials-Forum. (N) Judging a book by its cover? So i guess you assuming someone is a shit rider because they question the legibility of your statement isn't judging a book by its cover?
  17. Simon

    New Car Time

    A heap of junk that will go like shit of a shovel. 320+ BHP? (N) f**king ugly car mind.
  18. Backhop over a bench? You do realize how insanely stupid and not do-able that is, right? Why is being a slow learner a bad thing? It seems to me your letting your ego take over. I'm a slow learner, but i couldn't care. I go out to have fun and meet people, not to go and be a world champion. Stop being a chump. For/Sale wanted threads are also not allowed in NMC. If your a member or not.
  19. Few mistakes. An #id CSS group is designed to only be used once in the end HTML. Instead of using; #id { blah: 5px; } <div id="id"></div> <div id="id"></div> <div id="id"></div> Use; .class { blah 5px; } <div class="class"></div> <div class="class"></div> <div class="class"></div> A class can be used multiple times, an ID only once. You have also used "<font>" which is now deprecated, use "<span>" instead. Also, in a PHP function, you should parse the variables direct inside the function declaring section, and not global everything once inside the function. For instance function testDiv($one, $two, $three, $four, $five) { } echo testDiv($copyright_details, $title1, $content1, $title2, $content2)
  20. I know for an assured fact i could spend it. I however, would somehow, choose not too. Purely because i've seen what too much money can do to a young 18 year old. My friend recently came across a 50k inheritance, and waves it around like theres no tomorrow. His attitude has changed completly, it was shit before, but its even more shit now he has all that money. The only thing i would do, is pay off all of my familys debts, buy a house somewhere, sort out my dad and his car business, buy a few nice things that i've always dreamt off, then live life as normal. Hell, i even think i would still go to my 55 quid a week job.
  21. Simon


    Sargism? That like a shortening for Sergeant-Jiz-Em, or something? High bunnyhop, by anyones standards, let alone on some tank of a BMX, To be fair though, he couldn't of made it any more close, but fair play to them for even trying.
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