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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I want me a ferry horn! Anyone know where you could aquire one?
  2. Was so funny when they noticed, we claimed ignorance and walked off. :blink: Ahahahaha. I saw it coming over and noticed the women walking, so i was getting ready to bolt from the aisle, until it landed in her trolley and she was so confused haha. That ball caused so much havoc it was untrue. (Y) ASDA for the win. :)
  3. Bollocks, i well can't remember my number. :- It was in the 80's somewhere though. :P Nice one though. :P
  4. Either a bike rack for my 306, which i will hardly ever use, but what ever, :P, or some money so i can start on my ICE setup, or for some other additions to the car.
  5. You're calling me a twat, because of what exactly? And you wonder why no one wants to ride with you. :P Anywhom; "Maybe God is punishing America too by causing the hurricanes? No, wait, it's just the fact that they're a natural phenomenon." Kapow.
  6. Rude, on both accounts. :P Ok. *hatches next plan to get back a few points on Danny* So er, yeah, 2.1, nice 'tisnt it.
  7. If god reals, what did Orleans do? And no i wouldn't feel like a twat. Also, why do i already feel like a twat?
  8. I know why no one will agree! Because its a shit view. It has no factual basis on anything, and is just really, really bollocks. Yeah ok, its your opinion, but come on, god is punishing people by kicking the earth beneath them? What the f**k son. :P
  9. What happens if i report every one of your posts for the sole reason "Danny posted it"? :P
  10. If a dog does a shit, and you put it in a doggy bag, then into a bin, its fine. Get it out, and place it on the floor again, and it causes a problem again. Comprendé?
  11. I didn't say he wasn't allowed an opinion, i asked why he bumped the thread to add what he did. It didn't add anything to an already shit thread, which had been forgotten about, hence it was 3 days old, and why i asked for the reasoning behind his addition to it. Read what he posted in your head, and you will see what i mean. You will start to speed up, then lose track of where you are, 'cause theres no place to stop and make sense of anything, you have to take in the whole 6 lines or what ever in one go.
  12. Jesus, you not heard of a full stop? :lol: I nearly died trying to read that in one breath. :- And why did you bump this thread to add that. (Y)
  13. Yesterday has a special place in my memory. :- Breaking my arm by tripping over, playing softball, and it almost hanging off. (half of my lower arm was at 90 degrees to the other half, with bone being 2mm from poking out the skin) From the above, my first time getting "gas & air". Most awesome stuff ever. Training it to oxford for 3 hours on my own for the DJ ride, was such a funny day. I can't remember much, my memory is useless. (Y)
  14. It's shit, don't even bother. We decided to go there once, we lasted around 2 hours and decided to come back. Theres 2 stone bench things on the road the castle is on, and thats it. Round the lake theres a fallen tree, just one, then some mad tree with hundreds of roots everywhere, but this doesn't last long. Just don't bother. (Y)
  15. I was -> <- that close to asking a Police man today, but i got pulled away, incase i got arrested or something. (Y) I'm determined to be the first to get a Police man doing it though. Watch out, Simons about!
  16. Completly off-topic (i seem to be doing a lot of these lately. :P ), but that thread title is the best i have ever seen, ever. Fact. True story. I love you Mark.
  17. Same. The only reason i upgraded to XP was because we (my family) lost the '95 and '98 upgrade disk, and my dad had just got XP 'cause thats what dad's do, so i had to use that. When 64bit is common standard, i think thats the only point i would willingly upgrade, so i could use a 64bit system to its full potentiol. Vista is 64bit compatible, right? :P
  18. :P Don't stop her. :)
  19. Never used MAC, so can't comment. Yes, thats the whole reason i'm looking forward to it. :P Not really looked at proper Vista screenshots, nor care to look at them. I will upgrade if and when its given to me, or i buy a new computer and it comes with it.
  20. Vista is just another roll out of an already outdated way of doing things. Roll on the 3D user enviroment. :P
  21. If i remember correctly, they show shit all. It was on at 6pm last time or something, 'cause i was at work. Will watch it though, incase there is something decent there.
  22. Simon

    Broken Ribs

    But surely, the reason for this is; Do you not relize this? Do not ride, your body needs to concentrate on repairing the bone properly, not repairing damaged muscle from riding, or breathing hard to get more bloody around your system.
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